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Edwin Louis Cole quotes - page 3
Believing in evolution is believing in the unproved, while believing in Christ is believing in the proven.
Edwin Louis Cole
Men tend to feel threatened; women tend to feel guilty.
Edwin Louis Cole
It is not enough to be delivered from sin; it is enough to be delivered to righteousness.
Edwin Louis Cole
The Ten Commandments have never been replaced as the moral basis upon which society rests.
Edwin Louis Cole
The discipline of daily devotion to God undergirds decisions.
Edwin Louis Cole
What the mind cannot retain, the body will have to endure.
Edwin Louis Cole
You cannot be responsible for salvation until first you've been responsible for sin.
Edwin Louis Cole
Truth is life's most precious commodity.
Edwin Louis Cole
If you can't take it, you won't make it.
Edwin Louis Cole
The man who seeks to please God is the man who people are pleased with. The man who seeks to please others won't satisfy anyone.
Edwin Louis Cole
A dream doesn't become a goal until it is written.
Edwin Louis Cole
Crying over what's gone won't find the present.
Edwin Louis Cole
You are committed to what you confess.
Edwin Louis Cole
Being a male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of choice.
Edwin Louis Cole
Reasonable men adapt to the world around them; unreasonable men make the world adapt to them. The world is changed by unreasonable men.
Edwin Louis Cole
By use you possess gain; by disuse you decline and lose.
Edwin Louis Cole