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Karen Marie Moning quotes - page 9
Superglue after duct tape a girl's best friend.
Karen Marie Moning
Get back on the bike and tell me where to go." "I'll tell you where to go," I muttered sourly, and he laughed.
Karen Marie Moning
I can smell you, Ms. Lane," he said, even more softly. "The only blood on you is from your veins, not your womb." My head whipped to the left and I stared at him. Ok, that was one of the more disturbing things he'd ever said to me.
Karen Marie Moning
I make a new discovery that totally blows; dying is the easy part. It's coming back to life that sucks.
Karen Marie Moning
The two of you are getting downright chatty, aren't you, Ms. Lane? When did you last see him? what else did he tell you? I'm asking the questions tonight. If an illusion of control comforts you, Ms. Lane, by all means, cling to it.
Karen Marie Moning
Barrons had just given me the most carnal, sexually charged hungry look I'd ever seen in my life, and I was pretty sure he didn't even know he had done it.
Karen Marie Moning
You need me as much as I need you. That makes us equal partners in my book. Well, your book is just wrong.
Karen Marie Moning
He closes his hand around mine and I hold on. I like his hand. It's big and holds easy but sure. It's the kind of hold that says, I got you if you want me, but I'll let you go if you feel like running for a while.
Karen Marie Moning
Life's a choice: you can live in black and white, or you can live in colour. I'll take every shade of the rainbow and the gazillion in between!
Karen Marie Moning
But then we so rarely understand the value of what we possess until it's gone.
Karen Marie Moning
Keeping vigil over her are two monsters of very different breeds but monster just the same. Death on her left. Devil on her right.
Karen Marie Moning
Love knows no right or wrong. Love is. Only is.
Karen Marie Moning
I'm not the hero, Mac. Never have been. Never will be. Let us be perfectly clear: I'm not the antihero, either, so quit waiting to discover my hidden potential. There's nothing to redeem me.
Karen Marie Moning
He's trying not to laugh. I tell him I would have doomed mankind for him, and he's trying not to laugh.
Karen Marie Moning
The inspector ate only two of my tiny sandwiches: the first because he hadnt expected it to taste so awful; the second, I think, because hed thought surely the first must have been a mistake.
Karen Marie Moning
So how did he look at me?" "Like it was his birthday and you were the cake.
Karen Marie Moning
Sighing dismally, she acknowledged that some things just weren't humanly possible - not even Martha Stewart could fold fitted sheets.
Karen Marie Moning
I'm asking the questions tonight.” One day I was going to write a book: How to Dictate to a Dictator and Evade an Evader, subtitled How to Handle Jericho Barrons.
Karen Marie Moning
Barrons, Jericho: I haven't the faintest fecking clue. He keeps saving my life. I suppose that's something.
Karen Marie Moning
Jericho." "Mac." "Thank you for saving my life. Again.
Karen Marie Moning
Punch me." "Don't be absurd." "Come on, punch me, Barrons." "I'm not punching you." "I said, punch--OW!" He decked me.
Karen Marie Moning
I am going to love you now, slow and sweet, but when you come, I'm going to f*** you the way I need to. The way I've been dreaming about since the moment I saw you.
Karen Marie Moning