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Emmet Fox quotes - page 3
A man dies daily, only to be reborn in the morning, bigger, better and wiser.
Emmet Fox
A smile costs nothing in money, time, or effort but it is literally true that it can be of supreme importance in ones life.
Emmet Fox
You can never solve a problem on the same level as the problem.
Emmet Fox
Where you stand today does not matter; it is the direction in which your are moving, and the rate at which you travel, that count.
Emmet Fox
To become proficient in any field you must practise. There is simply no achievement without practice and the more practice, provided it is done intelligently, the greater will the proficiency be and the sooner will it be attained.
Emmet Fox
You cannot be healthy; you cannot be happy; you cannot be prosperous; if you have a bad disposition.
Emmet Fox
Let us be merciful in our mental judgments of our brothers and sisters, for, in truth, we are all one, and the more deeply they seem to err, the more urgent is the need for us to help them with the right thought, and so make it easier for them to get free.
Emmet Fox
And the Truth turns out to be nothing less than the amazing but undeniable fact that the whole outer world -whether it be the physical body, the common things of life, the winds and the rain, the clouds, the earth itself -is amenable to man's thought, and that he had dominion over it when he knows it.
Emmet Fox
Love is by far the most important thing of all.
Emmet Fox
Fear is the ultimate cause of failure and disappointment.
Emmet Fox
The art of life is to live in the present moment.
Emmet Fox
Human nature is such that humans can turn to God anywhere at any time, and by believing in His care and protection, and thinking in accordance with this belief, fill their hearts with peace and poise, rebuild their bodies into health and strength, and surround themselves with harmonious and joyous conditions.
Emmet Fox
If people would reflect that one can only do one thing at a time and therefore there is never more than one thing to do at a time, there would be less fatigue in the world.
Emmet Fox
Your Heart's Desire is the Voice of God, and that Voice must be obeyed sooner or later.
Emmet Fox
We grow into that which we admire.
Emmet Fox
Welcome any change that comes into any phase in your life; insist that it is going to turn out for the better - and it will. See the Angel of God in it, and the Angel of God will make all things new.
Emmet Fox
Affirm for yourself that you are a success. Affirm that you are successful in getting rid of your clutter. If you are having a hard time getting started, be grateful that you are such a successful clutterer. Who else could have amassed such a collection of stuff?
Emmet Fox
To radiate any quality, that quality must be within yourself.
Emmet Fox
You are not happy because you're healthy, you are healthy because you're happy.
Emmet Fox
Constant rhythmical movement is necessary to health and harmony. Much ill health is due to emotional congestion.
Emmet Fox
When the mind changes the outer expression must change to correspond. We are transferred by the renewing of our minds.
Emmet Fox
Make friends with nature by working in harmony with her and she will make friends with you.
Emmet Fox