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Elizabeth Berg quotes - page 2
There are some things you never say good-bye to.
Elizabeth Berg
I turn off the radio, listen to the quiet. Which has its own, rich sound. Which I knew, but had forgotten. And it is good to remember.
Elizabeth Berg
Now, on this road trip, my mind seemed to uncrinkle, to breathe, to present to itself a cure for a disease it had not, until now, known it had.
Elizabeth Berg
You don't get everything all at once. You wait.
Elizabeth Berg
I think one of the reasons we have children is to believe everything all over again. And I'm not talking Santa, here, either.
Elizabeth Berg
I like to listen to sad music when I'm sad. It seems honest. It makes me cry, and sometimes a good cry is the only thing that can make you feel better.
Elizabeth Berg
Just one look and then I knew that all I longed for long ago was you.
Elizabeth Berg
The truth is, we usually only show our unhappiness to another woman. I suppose this is one of our problems. And yet it is also one of our strengths.
Elizabeth Berg
How important things had become, now that they were gone! I felt a sudden panic that I would soon forget everything.
Elizabeth Berg
I have wanted you to see out of my eyes so many times.
Elizabeth Berg
It will happen when you're not looking for it. Love likes to take you by surprise.
Elizabeth Berg
I think the most important quality for a writer to have is empathy.
Elizabeth Berg
I do think that there's an art form to parenting, and I have nothing but admiration for those who do it well.
Elizabeth Berg
A ritual or tradition can be as simple as something you do every night, like read a story to a small child, or something you do weekly, such as go out for Chinese food.
Elizabeth Berg
As for my 'real life,' yes, I do have friends who are different from me, and I find it refreshing being around them.
Elizabeth Berg
My mom used to keep all her Christmas cards in a basket bedecked with red ribbon, and I loved to look at them all and read all the letters.
Elizabeth Berg
I think it's harder - much harder - to be a good parent than to write a book.
Elizabeth Berg
I look to find the heart and soul of people, of my characters. I look for the truth of them and the truths about life that are presented through them.
Elizabeth Berg
Whenever I write a novel, most of the time it starts with barest slip of an idea.
Elizabeth Berg
Really, my sacred place is my study where there are books that I love and things that people have given me.
Elizabeth Berg
I don't really like questions about the writing process, because the truth is I don't know how I write.
Elizabeth Berg
When I write a book, I don't have an idea of what I'm doing. I just go where it leads.
Elizabeth Berg