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Jeremy Wade quotes - page 2
I think fish do have personalities. Fish have very small brains so there's not much going on in there. But different types of fish have different personalities.
Jeremy Wade
I grew up in a little village in England that had a river running through it so I've been fishing from a very early age, maybe seven or eight.
Jeremy Wade
The thing is, if you always catch fish then you lose interest because any achievement is related to facing difficulty; having to work hard for it.
Jeremy Wade
Being in front of a class full of kids, you are giving a performance. You have to get their attention. You've got to awaken their curiosity. You become a bit of an entertainer.
Jeremy Wade
One place that I have very strong memories of is the Congo. That's somewhere I've been to four times. It's not a place where normally outsiders go, which is what makes it very special.
Jeremy Wade
The other thing is, visibility is often not very good in fresh water. So if a fish bites something, a part of the body, it doesn't actually always realize that it's part of a body. It just sees something sort of waving around in front of it.
Jeremy Wade
My background is very much tropical rainforests. We did a lot in the earlier series in places like the Amazon and the Congo. Almost as an antidote to that, I quite like more open, mountainous regions.
Jeremy Wade
I don't see myself as a particularly expert angler.
Jeremy Wade
The worst thing that happened when filming 'River Monsters' was the time when our sound recordist was hit by lightning.
Jeremy Wade
I've had some hands on experience with some very big bull sharks. One false move you could be minus a few fingers or worse. You've got to respect them because it's more about what they are capable of.
Jeremy Wade
The 'River Monsters' episodes acted a bit like a whodunit - there was a crime scene, maybe someone had been pulled under, and we had to find out what happened.
Jeremy Wade
When the fish relaxes, that's when I bring the rod down and reel in. But you don't rush it. If it runs, you let it run.
Jeremy Wade
Most sharks can't tolerate freshwater but bull sharks have a quirk of their physiology that enables them to.
Jeremy Wade
Once I started catching fish I was very curious to see what other fish there are. This happens to most people who fish - they want to catch bigger fish.
Jeremy Wade
With 'River Monsters,' it sometimes didn't matter if the story was made up or exaggerated.
Jeremy Wade
The first time you catch a fish, it's amazing. You make contact with this whole other world that exists, hidden, under the water.
Jeremy Wade
I gave up fishing in England. It got too crowded.
Jeremy Wade
We all need a bit of mystery in our lives, and rivers offer plenty of that.
Jeremy Wade
I actually found contracting malaria in the Congo fascinating. Observing your body under attack from this microorganism and seeing how it responds is simultaneously fascinating and awful but maybe that's just because I'm a former biology teacher.
Jeremy Wade
I think it's true to say that everybody has a fascination with predators. It's something that's hardwired into us.
Jeremy Wade
We are descended from people who paid attention to dangerous things in the environment. People who didn't pay attention to dangerous things in the environment didn't get to survive and to breed.
Jeremy Wade
Sea water is clear and you can put the camera in sea water and you can see stuff, whereas freshwater is often zero visibility.
Jeremy Wade