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Denise Austin quotes - page 2
There is only one person who can ever know exactly what you want and truly make you happy - that person is you!
Denise Austin
Release yourself from the power you've invested in your mirror and those around you - take control of who you are and how you feel!
Denise Austin
Food is fabulous, and having a good relationship with it will make you healthy and happy.
Denise Austin
Dare to accomplish the things you've only dreamed about doing. If you can dream it, you can do it.
Denise Austin
When you motivate others to be healthy, you can't help being motivated too.
Denise Austin
I don't starve myself, and I don't think other people should either.
Denise Austin
I love to go out with my husband and a few friends on Friday or Saturday. Being from Southern California, Mexican food is my favorite, and I normally splurge on enchiladas and margaritas.
Denise Austin
Possibly one of the most exciting aspects of Pilates is that anyone can do it, and everyone can achieve amazing results.
Denise Austin
Because there's no bouncing, jarring, or stress to your body, Pilates offers the ideal form of exercise for people who, because of joint pain or muscle weakness, shy away from exercise.
Denise Austin
Pilates helps condition the body without punishing it.
Denise Austin
Of all the forms of exercise I've taught, Pilates is one of my favorites.
Denise Austin
Besides helping you to form a beautiful flat tummy, strong abdominal muscles will improve your balance and coordination as well as help you perform other types of exercise with greater ease.
Denise Austin
As a baby grows in the womb, the surrounding abdominal muscles stretch outward. If you don't tighten up those muscles after delivery, your abs will remain loose and weak.
Denise Austin
Moves that build powerful core muscles (abs, back, hips, and pelvis) help support your spine, so you stand straighter. They also improve your balance, which starts to deteriorate in your 40s as these stabilizing muscles weaken.
Denise Austin
Banish aches and pains by strengthening and stretching the muscles that affect your back.
Denise Austin
As you do Pilates, use your breath to draw your mind into the present and whisk the tension out of your body.
Denise Austin
Fiber and other nondigestible carbs are bulky and tend to slow digestion, which, in turn, eases the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. When glucose enters the bloodstream more slowly, cells are better able to burn it for energy.
Denise Austin
As fiber and other nondigestible carbs pass through your intestine, they bring other nutrients - often fat - along for the ride. This prevents your intestine from breaking down and absorbing some of the fat and cholesterol from the food you eat.
Denise Austin
I even kind of eat well 80 percent of the time and have my treats 20 percent of the time. I don't just eat salads, but I truly believe in eating healthy foods, fresh fruits and vegetables every day. I'm a real person.
Denise Austin
I'm a big believer that as you age, you need to stretch more.
Denise Austin
Finding a convenient exercise routine is the key, because you're much more likely to stick with it.
Denise Austin
Most people should not do aerobic exercises for more than 30 minutes, because after that your chances of injury increase.
Denise Austin