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Glen Cook quotes - page 4
The world sure isn't kind to the man who tries to be gentle and thoughtful.
Glen Cook
I felt wonderfully wicked. I always do when I frustrate overly powerful, responsible-to-no-one types who think all existence was created only for their pleasure and exploitation.
Glen Cook
Though not as bad as most, he was going through that stage where he knew everything worth knowing and nothing his elders said-particularly if it bore any vaguely education hue-was worth hearing. He could not help that. It went with the age. And I was my age and could not help saying things I knew would do no good.
Glen Cook
A sign of advancing age. You start obsessing about how much you have to get done in the time that you have left.
Glen Cook
He was a lawyer before he worked his way up to pimping.
Glen Cook
Ever since childhood I have suspected you get along better if you respect people's ways and wishes regardless of your apparent relative strengths. That doesn't mean you let people walk on you. It doesn't mean you eat their pain for them. You need to demand respect for yourself, too.
Glen Cook
I sped a prayer heavenward. God needs to be reminded.
Glen Cook
Fickle folk. A little hunger and stress and they forgot all about liberty.
Glen Cook
"I've been on my own before, Mather.” And I hadn't been happy a moment. But happiness is a fleeting creature. It's no birthright. Not anything I expect but something I accept when I tumble into it. Meantime, power will do nicely.
Glen Cook
Suvrin had a little too much of the politician in him. Too much of the kind of mind willing to let an individual go so the rest will not be inconvenienced.
Glen Cook
The list of cities lost was long and disheartening, even granting exaggeration by the reporters. Soldiers defeated always overestimate the strength of their foe. That soothes egos suspecting their own inferiority.
Glen Cook
She is not one to disdain truth indefinitely only because it is unpleasant.
Glen Cook
I don't think she told any lies. She just forgot to tell the whole truth.
Glen Cook
There were too many secret things going on. And too many perfectly banal, openmouthed evils driven by ambition or fanaticism distracting everyone from the creeping apocalypse.
Glen Cook
"We're still the Black Company. We still don't leave our own behind.” Which was never strictly true but you do have to serve an ideal the best you can, lest it become debased. A law as ancient as coinage itself says bad money will drive out good. The same is true of principles, ethics and rules of conduct. If you always do the easier thing, then you cannot possible remain steadfast when it becomes necessary to take a difficult stand. You must do what you know to be right. And you do know. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred you do know and you are just making excuses because the right thing is so hard, or just inconvenient.
Glen Cook
She had a full measure of youth's indifference to the past.
Glen Cook
You might have noticed that the human animal is fond of forming and clinging to prejudices, remaining their steadfast curator in the face of all reason and contradiction.
Glen Cook
Bomanz had lived his lies so long he often lied to himself.
Glen Cook
How to argue with sociopathic reasoning? Lisa was the heart of Lisa's universe. Other people existed only to be exploited.
Glen Cook
Smeds did not like it. It was getting complicated. He did not like things complicated. Trying to untangle them usually made things worse.
Glen Cook
Time has a way of blunting the sharpest edge of determination.
Glen Cook
I must be driven. I figured that as long as I had to stay out there I ought to keep scouting around. Working in my sleep. Ought to have the Old Man double my pay. How much is two times a stab in the back?
Glen Cook