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Aisha Tyler quotes
Wounds turn into scars and scars make you tough.
Aisha Tyler
Pop culture is great, but it can be bad, at times.
Aisha Tyler
I don't believe in superheroes but I love Batman movies. There's a part of every person that is entertained by the idealistic, the fantastic.
Aisha Tyler
Pop culture hales you and wants you to fail.
Aisha Tyler
I really do know football.
Aisha Tyler
In my life and my work, I really try to be just fully myself.
Aisha Tyler
You can't control where you were born, the family you were born into, what you look like; you can't control any of those circumstances. The only thing you can control is how you react.
Aisha Tyler
Marriage isn't a carnival ride.
Aisha Tyler
For someone to say that marriage is only about procreation is a joke. I didn't marry my husband to have children. I married my husband because I love my husband.
Aisha Tyler
When I get old and slow down I want to look behind me and see all the fire and the wreckage and no stone left unturned.
Aisha Tyler
I thought I was gonna be an attorney, so I went to Dartmouth and I was a government major and I minored in environmental policy, and I didn't do anything academically around the arts.
Aisha Tyler
Marriage is a mystery and part of it is just being kind to each other, not being selfish.
Aisha Tyler
On general principle, I boycott shows that don't employ actors.
Aisha Tyler
I like grown up comedy.
Aisha Tyler
I can tell you this: Stand-up is not glamorous.
Aisha Tyler
I'm such a geek, and have always been a real nerd.
Aisha Tyler
I'm sure I had low-level scurvy all of my childhood.
Aisha Tyler
So much of a stand-up's life is doing live radio and having to be funny and quick on the spot with these strangers, and sort of surgical in terms of how funny I can be in three minutes.
Aisha Tyler
I am absolutely a Giants fan and I'm a Dynasty baby so I was a 49ers fan for a long time.
Aisha Tyler
Maybe the nails are a little stubby and gnawed on, but I definitely do not have man hands.
Aisha Tyler
Am I going to complain about being typecast as smart? I don't think so.
Aisha Tyler
The only concept or experience or core belief that I can attribute my other-ness to is that I just started out a weirdo and I stayed a weirdo. And it took me a long time to embrace my outsidership and see it as a strength rather than a weakness.
Aisha Tyler