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Sonia Choquette quotes - page 2
If you want to learn to trust your vibes, you must maintain a peaceful and relatively calm attitude. When you're tense, nervous, or anxious, your energy gets tangled up and blocked and can't enter your heart center, where your Higher Self and your vibes communicate.
Sonia Choquette
Denying our weaknesses is neither power, nor protection. We cannot overcome those disabling parts of our own nature which in fact steal our power away, if we do not acknowledge they exist.
Sonia Choquette
The more you choose to do things that uplift yourself and others the more your Spirit can shine, can heal you, can lead your life. What can you do today to uplift yourself? To uplift others?
Sonia Choquette
Remaining calm no matter what's going on around you is an incredible challenge, but it will liberate your psychic sense and will probably add a few years to your life as well-after all, getting worked up about things only makes them worse. Life is always full of drama and challenges, but you don't have to overreact to any of it if you choose not to.
Sonia Choquette
We have bodies. We have personalities. We have histories, stories and experiences. But we are not those things - we are Spirit.
Sonia Choquette
The universe will fill your cup... if you carry a big cup, a little cup, or a thimble!
Sonia Choquette
To be intuitive, we must cultivate our sense of humor and look for reasons to laugh everywhere. We become so self-absorbed and serious when it comes to our problems and melodramas that we disconnect from our deeper sense of who we are as beautiful souls-we withdraw from life instead of enjoying it. Laughter brings us back to ourselves and back to life.
Sonia Choquette
Genuine relationships depend first on a healthy relationship with ourselves.
Sonia Choquette
So often we wait for the climate and conditions in life to be perfect before we feel safe enough to step forward, trust, and be our authentic selves. What we don't realize is that in order to create the ideal climate we are waiting for, we must be authentic first.
Sonia Choquette
Love your life and live your spirit!
Sonia Choquette
To genuinely discover your Spirit, stop talking, stop reading, and start listening to your heart.
Sonia Choquette
Divine Consciousness is constantly seeking ways to express itself through us.
Sonia Choquette
Today, take a break from your ego and don't take yourself too seriously. Enjoy your Spirit and laugh!
Sonia Choquette
Once we tune in to what we feel in our heart and Spirit, our intuition kicks into gear and starts to communicate with us in so many delightful ways.
Sonia Choquette
The benefits of detachment in the face of intense emotional activity can't be overstated. It doesn't cut you off from your heart center; it opens you more. In fact, when you refrain from absorbing the energy around you, you'll remain clear and grounded, you'll be able to easily access your creative and intuitive channel, and you'll be able to choose to use the messages you receive from your Higher Self.
Sonia Choquette
I am deeply reminded that our life's journey is a gift, not a given, and that we can never truly know how long the journey will last. All we can do is decide how it unfolds.
Sonia Choquette
Like flowers and plants, we too need ground under our feet, warmth and sunshine and food for our spirit, protective boundaries, tending and care, freedom to grow unencumbered and without limitation, and complete support from the Universe to become our greatest possible self.
Sonia Choquette
Small steps work-grandiose goals don't.
Sonia Choquette
As with everything in nature, if your life isn't supported by a grounded source of energy, it will wither and lose its vitality.
Sonia Choquette
When our personal inner vision is sharp and balanced, it awakens our ability to look at life with a creative and positive point of view. It stimulates our thirst for knowledge and education in every possible way.
Sonia Choquette
To live in alignment with your Spirit is to live your truth and build your life upon it.
Sonia Choquette
Your heart pilots you to a far better life than you could have ever dreamed of. That's how the heart works.
Sonia Choquette