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Robert J. Shiller quotes - page 2
Trump has never been clear and consistent about what he will do as president.
Robert J. Shiller
Speculative markets have always been vulnerable to illusion. But seeing the folly in markets provides no clear advantage in forecasting outcomes, because changes in the force of the illusion are difficult to predict.
Robert J. Shiller
A moderate tax on robots, even a temporary tax that merely slows the adoption of disruptive technology, seems a natural component of a policy to address rising inequality. Revenue could be targeted toward wage insurance, to help people replaced by new technology make the transition to a different career.
Robert J. Shiller
Oppression thrives on distance - on not actually meeting or seeing the oppressed.
Robert J. Shiller
People who stay unemployed for a long time start to look like damaged goods, and they don't get such good offers. Also, they're not learning anything. Most learning is on-the-job learning.
Robert J. Shiller
This is an anxiety driven world - the whole world is driven by anxiety. It is anxiety about the aftermath of the global financial crisis; it's anxiety about inequality and about computers replacing jobs.
Robert J. Shiller
Manufacturers of food try to get the optimal ratio to tap into your impulsivity. They don't care about your health.
Robert J. Shiller
When valuation confidence falls, it means that stock markets are perceived as overpriced.
Robert J. Shiller
Fifty years ago or a hundred years ago, generally, most people would buy a house the way you buy a car. When you buy a car, do you think, 'I better buy this year rather than next year because car prices might go up?'
Robert J. Shiller
We should not be focusing on quick solutions. The really important concern for policymakers everywhere is to prevent disasters - that is, the outlier events that matter the most.
Robert J. Shiller
One should have a wide variety of assets in one's portfolio. And oil, by the way, is a particularly important asset to have in one's portfolio because we need it, and the economy thrives on it.
Robert J. Shiller
Economists who adhere to rational-expectations models of the world will never admit it, but a lot of what happens in markets is driven by pure stupidity - or, rather, inattention, misinformation about fundamentals, and an exaggerated focus on currently circulating stories.
Robert J. Shiller
In the longer run and for wide-reaching issues, more creative solutions tend to come from imaginative interdisciplinary collaboration.
Robert J. Shiller
Economics is (now) about emotion and psychology.
Robert J. Shiller
Consider our difficulties avoiding junk food and overspending. Such addictions were carefully planned-for by professional marketing teams.
Robert J. Shiller
Liberalism downplays certain of our moral senses: loyalty, authority, and sanctity.
Robert J. Shiller
I have argued that we need livelihood insurance, which would protect people against the risk of seeing their skills and expertise no longer needed. Such insurance could be offered by the private sector.
Robert J. Shiller
Each profession has its own toolkit.
Robert J. Shiller
In the short run and for decisions unlikely to have broad impact, it may be more cost effective to use just one expert.
Robert J. Shiller