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Nikolaj Velimirovic quotes
If you can help a person help, if you cannot help - pray, if you do not know how to pray - think about the person in a good way! And this will already be a help, because godly thoughts are also a weapon!
Nikolaj Velimirovic
Do not be afraid, you are not alone. Lonely is he who does not know God, even if he is friends with half the world.
Nikolaj Velimirovic
We are waiting for Christ, and not a better time.
Nikolaj Velimirovic
Do not be quick to talk about three things: about God until you establish faith in Him, about another's sin until you remember your own and about tomorrow until you see the dawn.
Nikolaj Velimirovic
God did not send you to earth to live comfortably, rather to prepare for eternal life.
Nikolaj Velimirovic
Bless my enemies, O Lord, even I bless them and do not curse them.
Nikolaj Velimirovic
For if God does not for a moment tire of giving us good things, how can we tire of thanking Him for these good things?
Nikolaj Velimirovic
If you desire freedom, then try first to free yourself from yourself.
Nikolaj Velimirovic
Never abandon prayer and God will not abandon you... By prayer we admin two things: our helplessness and God's omnipotence.
Nikolaj Velimirovic
Care most of all for your soul, brother, it is your only treasure. Everything else you own, doesn't really belong to you.
Nikolaj Velimirovic