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Michael Hyatt quotes - page 2
Don't let the urgent take precedent over the important.
Michael Hyatt
Very simply, a platform is the thing you stand on to get heard. It's your stage. But unlike a stage in a theatre, today's platform is not built of wood or concrete or perched on a grassy hill. Today's platform is built of people. Contacts. Connections. Followers.
Michael Hyatt
Watch your mouth: The language we use creates the reality we experience.
Michael Hyatt
You are the architect of the memories that others will have about you.
Michael Hyatt
It's better to succeed against daunting odds than settle for a fantasy and get nowhere.
Michael Hyatt
Failure is just a tax on the way to success. It is inevitable but it is not the whole story.
Michael Hyatt
Most of us have experienced wow moments. We just haven't taken time to think deeply about them.
Michael Hyatt
To get more clarity, take a step in the direction of the destination.
Michael Hyatt
People don't want to commit until they have clarity, but clarity comes with movement.
Michael Hyatt
Criticism is like medicine. It's poison unless carefully administered at the right dose.
Michael Hyatt
There's no work-life balance without making decisions and without courage.
Michael Hyatt
Our words have power. They impact others, but they also impact us.
Michael Hyatt
The more humble and transparent a leader is, the more effective he or she will be.
Michael Hyatt
You're never as smart as you think you are when you are winning and never as dumb as you feel when you are losing.
Michael Hyatt
What happens to us is not as important as the meaning we assign to it. Journaling helps sort this out.
Michael Hyatt
When you know your WHY, you'll know your WAY.
Michael Hyatt
Amateurs write when they are inspired. Professionals are inspired when they write. This is a subtle but important distinction.
Michael Hyatt
One of the best questions you can ask when something negative happens is this: 'What does this experience make possible?'
Michael Hyatt
Lead with a personal story. Give your audience a way to connect and show you're a real person.
Michael Hyatt
I think we're living in a time when size is not a strategic advantage, necessarily.
Michael Hyatt
Music always just cuts to the core and fills your heart.
Michael Hyatt
When finished writing a post, go back and add bullets, sub heads, spacing; eliminate long paragraphs or sentences.
Michael Hyatt