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Michael Hyatt quotes
Fools take criticism and dish it back. The wise take it and turn it to their advantage.
Michael Hyatt
Perfectionism is the mother of procrastination.
Michael Hyatt
If you have a clear vision, you will eventually attract the right strategy. If you don't have a clear vision, no strategy will save you.
Michael Hyatt
The most interesting things in life happen just on the other side of your comfort zone.
Michael Hyatt
You have a choice in life. You can either live on-purpose, according to a plan you've set. Or you can live by accident, reacting to the demands of others. The first approach is proactive; the second reactive.
Michael Hyatt
Leaders have the privilege and responsibility of going first. The most powerful way that anybody can lead is by example.
Michael Hyatt
A goal is not just about what you accomplish. It's about what you become.
Michael Hyatt
Social media is the greatest leadership tool ever invented. It gives you the opportunity to amplify your voice, extend your influence, and create a tribe of passionate followers who want to hear from you.
Michael Hyatt
You can't fail if you don't quit. You can't succeed if you don't start.
Michael Hyatt
Nothing will undermine your effectiveness as a leader faster than a bad marriage.
Michael Hyatt
Most people spend more time planning a one-week vacation than they spend planning their life.
Michael Hyatt
If you don't need God to pull off what you are planning, you are not dreaming big enough.
Michael Hyatt
What single brave decision do I need to make today?
Michael Hyatt
You're not as smart as you think you are, but you've got more potential than you could possibly imagine. The secret from the one to other is humility.
Michael Hyatt
Because the more authentic we can be, the more impact we can have.
Michael Hyatt
Things don't happen to us. They happen for us.
Michael Hyatt
The strength of our relationships is measured by how much people can count on us.
Michael Hyatt
When times are tough, vision is the first casualty. Before conditions can improve, it is the first thing we must recover.
Michael Hyatt
When you are leading, you have to take initiative.
Michael Hyatt
Asking questions is one of the best ways to grow as a human being.
Michael Hyatt
Marketing is really just about sharing your passion.
Michael Hyatt
Social media is new to me and I didn't think I would like it, being very protective of my private space, but it's nice to connect to the love and positive vibes folks have to share.
Michael Hyatt