Michael Swanwick quotes - page 3
Tell me! What do you think of life? What do you think of ambition? What do you think of science, of learning, of love, of fame, of glory, of aspiration?”
"I think... that those are all very different things.”
"You are wrong. They are all one thing-a cunt.”
"A cunt! Consider: The cunt is a nasty, ugly, filthy thing. Yet we desire it so greatly as to be willing to suffer any indignity to attain it. For the sake of it we labor and preen and whisper sugary words. We go to the theatre with flowers in our arms, climb over back walls by moonlight, write sonnets, jump out of windows with our trousers in our hands, give dangerous men their choice of weapons. We build love-nests for it sake, and cities, and civilizations. It is our all, our only, our ideal. It has created us and made us great. Such is life, such is ambition, such is science, learning, love, fame, glory, and aspiration. The Eternal Cunt,” he said significantly, "draws us onward.
Michael Swanwick
Excuse me,” she said hesitantly, "but what effect do these minor planets have on our behavior and fortunes? I mean, you know, astrological influence?”
He looked at her. "None.”
"None at all.”
"But if the planets affect our fortunes-” She stumbled to a stop at the dispassionately scornful look on the pale man's face, the slow way he shook his head. "Surely you'll agree that the planets order and control our destinies?”
"They do not.”
"Not at all?”
"Then what does? Control our destinies, I mean.”
"The only external forces that have any influence on us are those we can see every day: the smile, the frown, the fist, the brick wall. What you call ‘destiny' is merely a semantic fallacy, the attribution of purpose to blind causality. Insofar as any of us are compelled to resist the flow of random events, we are driven solely by internal drives and forces.
Michael Swanwick