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Alfred de Zayas quotes - page 5
It is high time to mainstream human rights into all trade agreements and World Trade Organization (WTO) rules and regulations, so that trade representatives and dispute-settlers know that trade is neither a "stand alone” regime not an end in itself.
Alfred de Zayas
The ideal of direct democracy, including the power of legislative initiative of citizens and control of issues through genuine consultation and referenda has been partially achieved only in few countries.
Alfred de Zayas
States should significantly reduce military spending and develop conversion strategies to reorient resources towards social services, the creation of employment in peaceful industries, and greater support to the post-2015 development agenda.
Alfred de Zayas
Never must the courts become instruments of injustice. Never should they lend themselves to the execution of manifestly unjust investor-State dispute settlement awards.
Alfred de Zayas
Austerity is necessary in the military – not in the progressive achievement of economic, social and cultural rights.
Alfred de Zayas
Participation is a hallmark of democratic governance.
Alfred de Zayas
To the extent that bilateral investment treaties and free trade agreements lead to violations of human rights, they should be modified or terminated.
Alfred de Zayas
In its essence, the right of self-determination means that individuals and peoples should be in control of their destinies and should be able to live out their identities, whether within the boundaries of existing States or through independence.
Alfred de Zayas
A government that compromises its competence to defend and protect the interests of the persons living under its jurisdiction betrays its raison d'être and loses its democratic legitimacy.
Alfred de Zayas
Downsizing military budgets will enable sustainable development, the eradication of extreme poverty, the tackling of global challenges including pandemics and climate change, educating and socializing youth towards peace, cooperation and international solidarity.
Alfred de Zayas
Direct democracy is undoubtedly one of the most efficient, reliable and transparent methods to determine the will of the people.
Alfred de Zayas
Parliaments that do not genuinely represent, but act as if they had a blank check for x number of years lose their legitimacy.
Alfred de Zayas
If the Bank really has development at heart, it will change the conditionalities away from privatization, deregulation and lower corporate taxation and put the emphasis on reducing military expenditures, ensuring that progressive tax legislation is enacted and enforced, that tax havens are outlawed, and that a financial transactions tax is adopted and the revenues used to build "A World Free of Poverty” through international solidarity.
Alfred de Zayas
Binding obligations on investors and corporations must be incorporated into trade and investment agreements, and public courts must have jurisdiction to examine violations and impose sanctions on violators.
Alfred de Zayas
The media should objectively inform about abuses associated with loan agreements when they occur, particularly instances of evictions, destruction of the environment, child labour and corruption.
Alfred de Zayas
Among the rights that States must ensure are the rights to life, security of person, participation in the conduct of public affairs, homeland, movement, health, education, employment and social security.
Alfred de Zayas
A truly democratic country must proactively inform the public so that the public can decide on spending priorities.
Alfred de Zayas
Since a democratic and equitable international order requires peace, States must engage in good faith negotiations for disarmament and significantly reduce military expenditure and the arms trade.
Alfred de Zayas
Disarmament for Development is a win-win strategy for States and Peoples. It is time to reduce the spiral of military expenditures and to invest in research into the root causes of conflicts and in the development of strategies of conflict-prevention and resolution.
Alfred de Zayas
There is consensus among States, judges of international tribunals and professors of international law that self-determination is not only a principle but also a right that has achieved the status of jus cogens.
Alfred de Zayas
The cost in human lives of every armed conflict is staggering, but the economic cost of wars can continue for generations.
Alfred de Zayas
Many observers have exposed the democracy deficits of the international and domestic order; identified threats to international peace; warned against the military-industrial and military-financial complexes; and denounced the retrogression in social justice associated with so-called "austerity measures”. The diagnoses of think tanks universities and researchers are fairly clear, their recommendations sensible and implementable, but changing the status quo has proven difficult, primarily because of lack of transparency and accountability in political processes, and because of powerful vested interests. Not without irony it has been noted that often those who are elected do not govern, and those who do govern are not elected.
Alfred de Zayas