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Leslie Weatherhead quotes - page 2
Any man, to the extent to which he is good, reveals the nature of God.
Leslie Weatherhead
Behavior that was innocent and amoral on the animal level of man's development became immoral as man moved upward on his evolutionary path, and, assisted by prophets, seers and saints, higher and higher moral peaks were discerned. When we come to Jesus, the moral demand made upon man by his new insights was impossible to reach were it not that he offered power to become and claimed himself to be the Way as well as the Goal.
Leslie Weatherhead
It is so very important to remember that, while all healing is of God, we must find the answer to the question, "Which is the most relevant way of cooperating with God in the case of this particular patient? It may be surgery, or medicine, or psychiatry, or prayer. Prayer is not relevant in many cases, save as an aid to the patient's mental condition, and God is not going to make of prayer an easy magic, just because we have not used our human resources of money and men in wiser ways.”.
Leslie Weatherhead
I hold that the self-authentication of truth, or, in other words, seeing, is the authority, and the only authority there is in the field of religion.
Leslie Weatherhead
I believe that all men, whatever their religion or lack of it, pass on into another phase of being, to another class in God's school.
Leslie Weatherhead
No words used in the Gospels can legitimately be twisted to mean unending punishment, and indeed, such an expression is self-contradictory. The main motive of punishment surely is to reform the sufferer; in school, to make a better scholar; in the State, to make a better citizen. If the punishment goes on forever when does the sufferer benefit by the punishment or use the lesson he has learned so painfully? If Hell were endless it would be valueless.
Leslie Weatherhead
My plea is not for an impossible subjectivism. But the so-called infallible church or book has no power unless I feel that what it says is true. And who can decide that but myself?
Leslie Weatherhead
In my opinion, the strongest evidence of his sinlessness is that, if one had sinned, unless one were vicious, one would never let others think one sinless.
Leslie Weatherhead
The universe must be law-abiding, and if Christ suspended law it would be a criticism of his Father as one whose laws were inadequate for certain possible situations which might arise. "We say," said St. Augustine profoundly, "that all portents (miracles) are contrary to nature, but they are not so. For how is that contrary to nature which happens by the will of God, since the will of so mighty a Creator is certainly the nature of each created thing?"
Leslie Weatherhead
Paul was a great theologian as well as a great saint and a heroic missionary, but we are not bound to imprison our minds in his theories. Newton was a great scientist, but it is no disparagement of Newton to realize that even schoolboys today know more than he did about atoms. Thought moves on in every field of inquiry.
Leslie Weatherhead
If Christ can-and he does-hold in utter loyalty the hearts of St. Francis and John Knox, of Calvin and St. Theresa, of General Booth and Pope John, of Billy Graham and Albert Schweitzer, who hold irreconcilably different beliefs about him, how can belief and uniformity of belief be vitally important? Further, where in the Gospels are we ever told that Christ demanded belief in some theological proposition before he would admit a seeker into discipleship?
Leslie Weatherhead
Every denomination within organized Christianity contains a valuable truth, but none contains all truth. Each mirrors at its best something of Christ but all are only caricatures of him.
Leslie Weatherhead
For myself, I refuse mentally to close the canon as if inspiration had run out! Why should we follow traditional thought more than modern thought?
Leslie Weatherhead
I am saying that truth may certainly be true whatever my opinion may be, but it has no authority with me until I perceive it to be true.
Leslie Weatherhead
The factor that makes us question the authority of the expert is that we are personally emotionally involved in the result.
Leslie Weatherhead
All lovers of Christ can believe in him without believing the same things about him.
Leslie Weatherhead
True, there are some great passages in Revelation, but the book on the whole is like boarding-school plum pudding, where the plums are scarce and far apart.
Leslie Weatherhead
In the cases of nearly all of us, what our fathers were, we are, and we make up our reasons afterwards.
Leslie Weatherhead
The piety that sees a sign of divine favor in escape from a sudden danger which destroys other lives, is a spurious and egotistic travesty of the faith that knows that ‘God spared not His own Son, but freely gave Him up for us all.' The true Christian will ask for no immunity from the common lot, for no freedom from the hardships of experience, for no miraculous deliverance from impending calamity, but he will ask for the power to overcome the world in a spirit that is courageous as well as meek, militant against all forms of evil while profoundly thankful for what seems good in his life.
Leslie Weatherhead
We still make of prime importance matters about which Jesus said nothing. How can a matter be fundamental in a religion when the founder of the religion never mentioned it?
Leslie Weatherhead
I suspect that, living on the moral and spiritual levels on which Christ lived, he must have had temptations so subtle that I should not have had enough spiritual sensitiveness to see them as temptations at all.
Leslie Weatherhead
I would like to be able with authority to present the case for believing in God, but I would far rather be an authoritative argument for believing in God. The saints are the best argument for Christianity. They have the highest authority in the world for they coerce us and yet our coercion is a willing one. They drive us along the way which in our best moments we want to go. When we read their lives, and even more when we touch their lives with our own in day-to-day living, we meet Christianity's unanswerable argument. We know, with an authority nothing can resist or overcome, that Christianity changes lives and that if Jesus Christ were given a chance he would change the world.
Leslie Weatherhead