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Bram van Velde quotes - page 2
Each time it's an attempt to get there. To get to see. To get where you can see.
Bram van Velde
About Van Gogh.. a man who is on fire, a torch. His sincerity is absolute. His best painting is the grain field where he kills himself. There we find ourselves at the border of the art of painting. We cannot go further.
Bram van Velde
I don't set out to speak a comprehensible language. But my language is authentic.
Bram van Velde
You are in constant danger of being destroyed.
Bram van Velde
Van Gogh.. Fascinating. The fragility of that strong spirit.
Bram van Velde
I start off on the canvas and, little by little, it imposes its own solution. But that solution is not easy to find.
Bram van Velde
Everything has to end before it can begin.
Bram van Velde
Picasso.... the master.... being a master: 'I don't search, I find' [a famous quote of Picasso, where he criticize the 'searching' artists].. the master, the mastery.... Producing, producing... He [Picasso! ] only knows how to work, can't do anything else. What lost souls!... The great risk is producing for its own sake. You must never force things. You just have to wait.
Bram van Velde
The more you know, the less you are.
Bram van Velde
I feel myself tied to life. To the immensity and complexity of life. Each painting is an impulse towards life.
Bram van Velde
A painter is someone who can't use words. His only escape is to be a seer.
Bram van Velde
Life is wrecked by living.
Bram van Velde
I'm trying to see, when everything in this world conspires to prevent us from seeing.
Bram van Velde
Perhaps he [ Mondrian ] was too faithful to a single discovery. And perhaps that kind of painting was right for the period. But now peace and harmony are no longer possible. There is only anguish.
Bram van Velde
The world of architecture – and of works conceived for architecture – tends towards beauty. True beauty tends towards ugliness and panic.
Bram van Velde
The most difficult thing is when you can't do anything. When you just have to wait.
Bram van Velde
I am powerless, helpless. Each time it's a leap in the dark. A deliberate encounter with the unknown.
Bram van Velde
I don't like talking. I don't like people talking to me... Painting is silence.
Bram van Velde
Part of your work feels as clear, it gives you a sense of liberation or beauty and you recognize it as necessary pavements. You are thus in a sense ready. In the other part of your work this is not the case. Therein is the hidden development, which is the true essence of art... the higher purpose, the pursuit forward that art automatically calls. The unclear part of your work needs to progress (stopping is no option, is no life, no art) and it is clear when by working with head and heart, the real step forward has been achieved.
Bram van Velde
Painting is an aid to vision. It turns life, the complexity of life, into something visible. It reveals things that we don't know how to see.
Bram van Velde
Through painting I try to get closer to nothingness, to the void.
Bram van Velde
Artists who are the defenders of true life become phonies. That's the perfidious thing about this world. Society turns anyone with a bit of life inside them into a medical case.
Bram van Velde