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James Thomson (poet) quotes
But who can paint Like Nature? Can imagination boast, Amid its gay creation, hues like hers?
James Thomson (poet)
Whoe'er amidst the sons Of reason, valour, liberty, and virtue Displays distinguish'd merit, is a noble Of Nature's own creating.
James Thomson (poet)
Their only labour was to kill the time; And labour dire it is, and weary woe, They sit, they loll, turn o'er some idle rhyme, Then, rising sudden, to the glass they go, Or saunter forth, with tottering steps and slow.
James Thomson (poet)
Or where the Northern ocean, in vast whirls, Boils round the naked melancholy isles Of farthest Thulè, and th' Atlantic surge Pours in among the stormy Hebrides.
James Thomson (poet)
For many a day, and many a dreadful night, Incessant lab'ring round the stormy cape.
James Thomson (poet)
Shade, unperceiv'd, so softening into shade.
James Thomson (poet)
When Britain first, at Heaven's command, Arose from out the azure main, This was the charter of the land, And guardian angels sung this strain: 'Rule, Britannia, rule the waves; Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.
James Thomson (poet)
A pleasing land of drowsyhed it was, Of dreams that wave before the half-shut eye; And of gay castles in the clouds that pass, Forever flushing round a summer sky: There eke the soft delights that witchingly Instil a wanton sweetness through the breast, And the calm pleasures always hover'd nigh; But whate'er smack'd of noyance or unrest Was far, far off expell'd from this delicious nest.
James Thomson (poet)
The best of men have ever loved repose: They hate to mingle in the filthy fray; Where the soul sours, and gradual rancour grows, Imbitter'd more from peevish day to day.
James Thomson (poet)
Who stemm'd the torrent of a downward age.
James Thomson (poet)
For still the world prevail'd, and its dread laugh, Which scarce the firm philosopher can scorn.
James Thomson (poet)
The kiss, snatch'd hasty from the sidelong maid.
James Thomson (poet)
Poor is the triumph o'er the timid hare! Scared from the corn, and now to some lone seat Retired.
James Thomson (poet)
A bard here dwelt, more fat than bard becomes Who void of envy, guile and lust of gain, On virtue still and nature's pleasing themes Poured forth his unpremeditated strain.
James Thomson (poet)
Health is the vital principle of bliss, and exercise, of health.
James Thomson (poet)
Peace is the happy natural state of man; war is corruption and disgrace.
James Thomson (poet)
Statues and pictures and verse may be grand, But they are not the Life for which they stand.
James Thomson (poet)
More firm and sure the hand of courage strikes, when it obeys the watchful eye of caution.
James Thomson (poet)
Forever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love, And, when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between and bid us part?
James Thomson (poet)
O Sophonisba! Sophonisba, O!
James Thomson (poet)
These as they change, Almighty Father! these Are but the varied God. The rolling year Is full of Thee.
James Thomson (poet)
From seeming evil still educing good.
James Thomson (poet)