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James Hudson Taylor quotes - page 3
We have so often been disappointed that we must not be too sure of anything, save of God's help and presence which He will never withhold.
James Hudson Taylor
I am in great straits for funds. I am happy about it. The Lord may take away all our troublesome people through it and give us true-hearted ones instead.
James Hudson Taylor
The sin of neglected communion may be forgiven, and yet the effect remains permanently.
James Hudson Taylor
I said, ‘You are now placed in a position to help the Chinese as you have never been before. They see that your being a foreigner is now no protection, but increases your danger. Let them see that you are rejoicing in God... that you do not need any other protection and that you do not go away, although you might; that you put your trust in God, and are prepared either to suffer or be delivered as He sees best, will learn that there is something in the Gospel worth risking life for.' What was the result? In almost every place where there were native Christians they grew (in spiritual maturity) as never before.
James Hudson Taylor
The more we rest on this fact, – that we do not know the way we are going, but that we have a GUIDE who does know; that we do not know how to accomplish our service, but that He never leaves us to devise our own service; – the more restful does our life become.
James Hudson Taylor
The work of a true missionary is work indeed, often very monotonous, apparently not very successful, and carried on through great and varied but unceasing difficulties.
James Hudson Taylor
China is not to be won for Christ by quiet ease-loving men and women.
James Hudson Taylor
After proving God's faithfulness for many years, I can testify that times of want have ever been times of spiritual blessing, or have led to them.
James Hudson Taylor
Our eyes must be upon the Lord, not upon His people. His means – not ours, not theirs, but His means are large; and to a faithful steward He will prove a faithful master.
James Hudson Taylor
I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.
James Hudson Taylor
When you need it, rest in body; rest always in spirit.
James Hudson Taylor
The work... is steadily growing and spreading – especially in that most important department, native help.... The future hope of China doubtless lies in them. I look on all us foreign missionaries as platform work round a rising building; the sooner it can be dispensed with the better; or rather, the sooner it can be transferred to other places, to serve the same temporary purpose, the better for the work sufficiently forward to dispense with it, and the better for the places yet to be evangelized.
James Hudson Taylor
We shall find that Separation to GOD is followed by Blessing from GOD; and that those who receive large blessing from Him, in turn render to Him acceptable Service; service in which GOD takes delight, and which He places in everlasting remembrance.
James Hudson Taylor
The use of means ought not to lessen our faith in GOD; and our faith in GOD ought not to hinder our using whatever means He has given us for the accomplishment of His own purposes.
James Hudson Taylor
Where the need is greatest let us be found gladly obeying the MASTER'S command. For it is in the harvest-field, it is among the reapers, that we shall find Him.
James Hudson Taylor
True devotion will rather ask to be allowed to give, and will count as loss all which may not be given up for the Lord's sake.
James Hudson Taylor
I almost wish I had a hundred bodies; they should all be devoted to my Savior in the missionary cause.
James Hudson Taylor
And he who in all things recognises himself as the servant of GOD may count on a sufficiency from GOD for all manner of need, and look with confident expectation to GOD to really prosper him in whatever he does.
James Hudson Taylor
He that sanctifieth and those who are sanctified, find their full satisfaction in [Christ], and in Him alone.
James Hudson Taylor
Let there be no reservation; give yourselves up fully and wholly to Him whose you are and whom you wish to serve in this work; and then there can be no disappointment.
James Hudson Taylor
It needs the presence of special difficulties to manifest to all the workings of God's mighty power, and for such difficulties we may and should be grateful, and not cast down.
James Hudson Taylor
The Apostolic plan was not to raise ways and means, but to go and do the work.
James Hudson Taylor