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Patrick Stump quotes - page 2
I started playing music when I was really young. I didn't start off on guitar because I couldn't fit my hands around the neck and fret board. So I did the drums. And back then, all I did was hit things.
Patrick Stump
Hey, does your mother sew? BOOM! Get her to sew that.
Patrick Stump
He's not cocky because of Fall Out Boy, he's cocky because he's Pete Wentz.
Patrick Stump
This one's for all the homies who couldn't make it to the party!
Patrick Stump
Everything was plugged in and should've been working, but it gave me a communication error. I got like a cave man and got so mad at it. I was completely fed up. I'm not an engineer, I'm not a computer whiz. I don't know anything about electronics. All I know is that I want this thing to make noise, I want to write music, and it's not working.
Patrick Stump
Patrick: One of my favorite rumors about myself is that I am 31, which is just about 10 years off, so... Pete: He's 41, you mother fuckers.
Patrick Stump
Woah! Nope.... *screams* Boo...
Patrick Stump
There are some things in life that make you happy, and make you like your life. Then there are some things in life that you witness, that make you not like your life as much. I think that's one of them. I'm sorry, Juan.
Patrick Stump
If you're trying to get a lot of money and attention and cars and just stuff like that, being in a band is a really bad way to do it, because it takes a lot of work, it's constant work, it's very grueling, and you don't really have time to spend money. So that would probably not even make my top 10 list of ways to make a lot of money, because records aren't selling anymore. The richest musician in America still doesn't even come close to a mid-level athlete.
Patrick Stump
I think Joe's underappreciated, I think Andy's underappreciated, I think Pete's underappreciated, I don't think people know how good he is. I think Neal [Avron]'s underappreciated, but if anything, I feel overappreciated. I think Patrick Stump gets enough attention.
Patrick Stump
I think a producer should be like water, and whatever the shape of the glass is, he or she should fill that. If they need you to be the engineer guy--typically I have an engineer--I work at that stuff. If they need you to be a songwriting help guy, I work on that. If they need you to be a vocal melody guy, I work at that, etc. I kind of look at whatever a band needs out of me then I try to give it to them.
Patrick Stump
Sometimes people associate getting big with selling out, which is funny because that's not something you necessarily have choice in. That's not a matter that is entirely up to you and at the same time, who hasn't sold out? If you've heard of a specific artist, they're big enough--they got to you. Where do you draw the line between what's big and what's too big?
Patrick Stump
These are the dude version. They couldn't possibly be your pants!
Patrick Stump
I mean, if I had a piccolo in front of me I would probably figure out how to play ‘Hot Cross Buns' or something.
Patrick Stump
I get really annoyed with photo shoots and interviews and handshakes. I'm a musician; God forbid I actually have time to make music.
Patrick Stump
'As Long As I Know I'm Getting Paid' is a satire. Lyrically, I want to be direct. With my history in Fall Out Boy, there's some expectation that I'm going to be lyrically obtuse. But that song is a straight-faced satire of consumerism.
Patrick Stump
What you want if you're asking that question is a specific time in your life to come back to you, and that will never happen. You will never be 15 years old again. I could write, verbatim, another Take This To Your Grave, and you won't feel the same way. It's not going to mean anything to you because it wouldn't mean anything to me.
Patrick Stump
I've heard a lot of really awful, negative things said about Pete, and it's like, "Dude, you don't even have a clue how honest and real that guy is” for the amount of crap that people talk about him. Pete said it, and it's true, they make you into a wrestling character. And it's also like reality TV editing. It's really easy to cut somebody in rolling their eyes when that might not have even happened next to the thing that it's being shown next to.
Patrick Stump
Nintendo DS makes me forget that I don't have any friends.
Patrick Stump
I'm sure it's gotta be a great job 'cause rock stars are known for their punctuality and politeness, so...
Patrick Stump
I don't know, we played a show for like, ten kids, but those ten kids were just insane. It's really quantity, not quality, and that's what I really -- (Pete cuts him off) Pete: It's quality, not quantity. You said it backwards. I don't want you to look like a dumbass... on film.
Patrick Stump
I don't mind critics. I mean, I wrote for Rolling Stone for a hot minute. I like criticism. I enjoy criticism. The thing I don't like is cruelty for cruelty's sake. You don't have to be a jerk to say something negative. You can say something in the negative sense and have class.
Patrick Stump