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Wallace Stevens quotes - page 5
Light the first light of evening, as in a room In which we rest and, for small reason, think The world imagined is the ultimate good.
Wallace Stevens
A few things for themselves, Florida, venereal soil, Disclose to the lover.
Wallace Stevens
That scrawny cry - It was A chorister whose c preceded the choir. It was part of the colossal sun, Surrounded by its choral rings, Still far away. It was like A new knowledge of reality.
Wallace Stevens
We reason of these things with later reason And we make of what we see, what we see clearly And have seen, a place dependent on ourselves.
Wallace Stevens
This is, therefore, the intensest rendezvous. It is in that thought that we collect ourselves, Out of all the indifferences, into one thing.
Wallace Stevens
The man bent over his guitar, A shearsman of sorts. The day was green. They said, "You have a blue guitar, You do not play things as they are." The man replied, "Things as they are Are changed upon the blue guitar." And they said then, "But play, you must, A tune beyond us, yet ourselves, A tune upon the blue guitar Of things exactly as they are."
Wallace Stevens
A poem should be a part of one's sense of life.
Wallace Stevens
Each must the other take as sign, short sign To stop the whirlwind, balk the elements.
Wallace Stevens
Upon the bank, she stood In the cool Of spent emotions. She felt, among the leaves, The dew Of old devotions.
Wallace Stevens
The sea returns upon the men, The fields entrap the children, brick Is a weed and all the flies are caught, Wingless and withered, but living alive. The discord merely magnified. Deeper within the belly's dark Of time, time grows upon the rock.
Wallace Stevens
Poetry is a purging of the world's poverty and change and evil and death. It is a present perfecting, a satisfaction in the irremediable poverty of life.
Wallace Stevens
Susanna's music touched the bawdy strings Of those white elders; but, escaping, Left only Death's ironic scraping. Now, in its immortality, it plays On the clear viol of her memory, And makes a constant sacrament of praise.
Wallace Stevens
The dress of a woman of Lhassa, in its place is an invisible element of that place made visible.
Wallace Stevens
One thing remaining, infallible, would be Enough.
Wallace Stevens
What the poet has in mind... is that poetic value is an intrinsic value. It is not the value of knowledge. It is not the value of faith. It is the value of imagination. The poet tries to exemplify it, in part as I have tried to exemplify it here, by identifying it with an imaginative activity that diffuses itself throughout our lives.
Wallace Stevens
The partaker partakes of that which changes him. The child that touches takes character from the thing, The body, it touches. The captain and his men Are one and the sailor and the sea are one.
Wallace Stevens
One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow.
Wallace Stevens
We live in an old chaos of the sun.
Wallace Stevens
What is divinity if it can come Only in silent shadows and in dreams?
Wallace Stevens
Style is not something applied. It is something that permeates.
Wallace Stevens
The major abstraction is the idea of man And major man is its exponent, abler In the abstract than in his singular, More fecund as principle than particle.
Wallace Stevens
The first idea was not our own. Adam In Eden was the father of Descartes And eve made air the mirror of herself, Of her sons and of her daughters.
Wallace Stevens