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Tom Springfield quotes
I walk where once the grass was green And mourn the lark that sings no more What bird could sing whose eyes have seen Broken blossoms on the field of war?
Tom Springfield
The rains tumble down in the sky, Young swallows have learned how to fly, The leaves that were green are no longer so green, And it looks like the summer is over.
Tom Springfield
If they gave me a fortune, My treasure would be small: I could lose it all tomorrow And never mind at all. But if I should lose your love, dear, I don't know what I'd do, For I know I'll never find another you.
Tom Springfield
Like a drum my heart was beating, And your kiss was sweet as wine, But the joys of love are fleeting For Pierrot and Columbine.
Tom Springfield
Here I stand, feeling lost and so alone. Take my hand; don't desert me now, Please don't hurt me now.
Tom Springfield
Breakaway, the breeze is sighin' Breakaway, the time is flyin' So, I'm gonna pack a bag and get my coat Lock my door and leave a note Take a train or take a boat Well, I'm gonna breakaway.
Tom Springfield
If you see my darling Out there in the crowd, Say I still remember Promises we vowed. Yesterday was dreaming, But my dream came tumbling down. Call the boys and tell them, Say I won't be there.
Tom Springfield
The glow has gone forever And our dreams have turned to dust; I don't know how I can go on, And yet I know I must.
Tom Springfield
Sing, sweet nightingale, Sing me a song of a night never-ending, Sing, sweet nightingale, And I'll try to pretend That tomorrow's nowhere near And there's nothing to fear.
Tom Springfield
Hey there, Georgy girl Why do all the boys just pass you by? Could it be you just don't try or is it the clothes you wear? You're always window shopping but never stopping to buy So shed those dowdy feathers and fly - a little bit.
Tom Springfield
Oh my love, oh my love, I've cried for you so much, Lonely nights without sleeping, while I longed for your touch. Now your lips can't evade the heartache I've known, Come with me to a world of our own.
Tom Springfield
When you smile at me well I feel so good Come on home I can't be mad at you like I know I should Come on home. Well you took me for a ride And I thought my love had died; Still I need you by my side So come on home.
Tom Springfield
So let me fly please lead me and I'll follow you Above the clouds beyond the stormy sea I long to share a world of sweet contentment there In that bright land where grows the olive tree.
Tom Springfield