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Michael Sheen quotes - page 2
I would like to be taller, thinner and more rakish looking.
Michael Sheen
I'm not a Tony Blair impersonator.
Michael Sheen
Getting older is a struggle. I always feel that just under the surface of acceptance and enjoyment of the ageing process is a terrible hysteria just waiting to burst out.
Michael Sheen
I find increasingly that the more extreme are the things going on in your life, the more cultural reference points fail you. More mythical reference points actually help, and you realise that's what myths are for. It's for human beings to process their experience in extremis.
Michael Sheen
I was obsessed with football when I was growing up.
Michael Sheen
I have a daughter, and fairies meant a lot to her growing up.
Michael Sheen
My chief gifts are - naturally good at all sports with a raw talent for pretty much everything, which if nurtured could develop into improper talent.
Michael Sheen
I can be a lazy dresser.
Michael Sheen
I try not to pay any attention to clothes fascism and I'd rather be thought of as someone who has his own sense of style.
Michael Sheen
I enjoy doing things that involve research because it's part of what I enjoy about acting.
Michael Sheen
Stories have always been the things that entertain me and make me feel happy and sad and move me and give me the experience of being able to live many lives in one lifetime. It's the best thing about being alive.
Michael Sheen
For a culture that has such a problem with death, we seem to deal with it in a quite bizarre way. We see people shot, killed and blown up, and we find it funny and sexy and all those things. But, the reality of it is that every day people die, and people are really sad and they grieve and they go through a really difficult process with it.
Michael Sheen
When you look at all the miracles attributed to Jesus, they're all about change.
Michael Sheen
I'm a huge fan of science fiction and fantasy - not so much horror because I get a bit scared.
Michael Sheen
I don't want to do something that I've done before; I can't see the point of it.
Michael Sheen
I don't do the whole L.A. nightlife thing.
Michael Sheen
I don't find the life in Hollywood all that meaningful or inspiring.
Michael Sheen
I think parenthood is a wonderful balancing act. On the one hand, you want to spend as much time with your children as possible. On the other hand, you want to set an example for them to see that you're fulfilled in your life and in your work.
Michael Sheen
I suppose I'm something of an eccentric dresser.
Michael Sheen
I'm a big fan of vampire movies generally and that sort of tradition of characters.
Michael Sheen
I love watching Jeff Bridges act. He's brilliant.
Michael Sheen
I suppose I've got a reputation for playing quite extreme characters and making them quite believable.
Michael Sheen