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Alex Salmond quotes - page 6
I believe that we must look outwards, not inwards, to test our true economic potential - measuring ourselves against our international competitors.
Alex Salmond
Our national story has its full share of grief and pain as well as triumph and expectation. But through it all, hope remains and dreams do not die.
Alex Salmond
The campaign was disgusting. It split on religious lines. It was one of those moments when you thought that ‘if politics is going to be like this, I'd like to go and do something else'.
Alex Salmond
Our churches are here to provide comfort and to offer hope as they always do in moments of extremity.
Alex Salmond
She is the living memorial as to why Scots want their own parliament.
Alex Salmond
While individuals must take responsibility for their spending, they are entitled to protections from outrageous credit charges.
Alex Salmond
Politicians often like to believe that we exist to make law - and that only through constantly changing the law we achieve our policy objectives. That view of political leadership is mistaken.
Alex Salmond
As Scots our Celtic heritage ties us closely together. It binds us with our cousins in Northern Ireland, the Irish Republic and Wales. And with other Europeans lucky to blessed with good weather. We have Celtic cousins in Brittany, Galicia and Cornwall. Our is a heritage shared in a love of music and song, of poetry - and a special affinity with the sea and with nature.
Alex Salmond
That sense of an inclusive Scottishness - one which does not simply tolerate diversity but rather celebrates it - is at the heart of what I want St Andrews Day to become.
Alex Salmond
Our Gaelic language and culture has prevailed.
Alex Salmond
I believe it is through independence that we can do most to help our nation to flourish, to improve our quality of life.
Alex Salmond
Many American presidents believe they are Irish by descent. Some believe themselves to be Scottish by descent. Actually, most of them are Scots-Irish by descent - certainly the good ones!
Alex Salmond
I want to see Scotland at the heart of Europe's energy policy and future.
Alex Salmond
As we look again to rebuild a rich country, we must make sure this time round we also build a rich society - a society where the measure of wealth is not only the money in our pockets but the wellbeing of our communities.
Alex Salmond
This Government believes that it would be economically advantageous for Scotland to be an independent country. Other parties disagree. But as we continue that debate, let us at least agree that this country - our country - has the capacity to become one of the most successful economies on the planet.
Alex Salmond
Our courage and our resolve will be tested. And so too will our imagination. Because our world is changing. And if we are prepared to imagine and to shape it in new ways, we will find ourselves stronger, more free - a better, closer community.
Alex Salmond
The choice for Scotland is quite clear. We can choose to remain a bit part player - unable to advance our interests and influence the international agenda other than through the United Kingdom. Alternatively, as in independent country, we can actively seek responsibility - eager for the opportunity to help shape the great global debates.
Alex Salmond
Gaelic is not a regional language - it is a truly nationwide language. And the future success of Gaelic depends on attracting new speakers to the language here as much as its does on fostering Gaelic in its traditional heartland.
Alex Salmond
It is unacceptable that eight of the ten areas in the UK with the lowest life expectancy are in Glasgow. And it is surely a matter of national scandal that life expectancy in war torn Iraq remains higher than in some areas of the largest city in Scotland.
Alex Salmond
David Mundell MP said it would take a miracle to save Glasgow University participation in the Crichton campus. It is now official - miracles happen in an SNP run Scotland!
Alex Salmond
The coup was timed to avoid Corbyn calling for Blair's head next Wednesday from the Despatch Box. Indeed many would say that when Corbyn stated that he would be prepared to see a former Labour Prime Minister tried for War Crimes then he sealed his fate as leader of the Parliamentary Labour Party.
Alex Salmond
The SNP's commitment to a Bill of Rights and written constitution means that we will outlaw any discrimination but we also have to eradicate it from the dark recesses of the Scottish psyche. We also have to speak out against institutionalised discrimination. For example, it is a scandal of some considerable proportions that no Catholic can sit on the throne, or marry the heir to the throne -- an attitude entrenched in law that belongs to the archaic arrangements of the eighteenth century, not the bright prospects of the twenty-first.
Alex Salmond