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Tommy Robinson quotes
No matter how [haram terrorists'] life has been, if they wanna get to heaven, they just have to kill non-Muslims in a holy jihad. That's all they have to do, then they get to heaven. It's like an easy "card out" for Muslims who've behaved badly their whole life. And we've seen this time and time again with the terrorists that we find. They say, "He wasn't a practicing Muslim". No, but because of the scripture in Islam, he genuinely believes he is going to eternal hell fire for the life that he's lived. He sees going and running down 20 or 40 people, and killing coppers, and killing innocent people, he sees that as a "get out" because of the scripture in Islam. That's why.
Tommy Robinson
As a father, I have serious concerns about what life will be like for my kids, if I'm even here. Am I scared of the death threats, and people who want to kill me and the attacks against me, etc? Yeah, I am. Of course, I am. I wouldn't be human if I wasn't. But I am terrified for the entire next generation of this country, and its history, its culture, its identity – it's all under attack.
Tommy Robinson
We need strong leadership, not cowards who are begging petrol dollars and wanting a block Islamic vote. We need a leader not an appeaser. I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Stand up for what u believe. Never be intimidated by anyone #english #nosurrender.
Tommy Robinson
Do you know how many times I have gone into Bedford police station, I have gone into Kempston police station, to say here are comments to kill my family but nothing ever gets done. I have three kids, an innocent wife, my family are scared.
Tommy Robinson
We stand against extremism and we condemn all acts of violence but at the same time you have to give people in our community that are concerned about the threat of Islam, which is a genuine threat, you have to give them an opportunity to have a voice. I share the same fact that Islam is a threat but we completely condemn any acts of violence against innocent people. What has happened over there (Norway) is horrific and will be remembered for the rest of eternity as a disgusting, deranged attack.
Tommy Robinson
If Islam is this "religion of peace", why is everyone so scared?
Tommy Robinson
Islam is not a religion of peace; it never has been and never will be.
Tommy Robinson
Every single Muslim watching this... on 7/7 you got away with killing and maiming British citizens... you had better understand that we have built a network from one end of the country to the other end... and the Islamic community will feel the full force of the English Defence League if we see any of our British citizens killed, maimed, or hurt on British soil ever again.
Tommy Robinson
The reality is this is a war. These people are waging war on us. This has gone on for 1,400 years. This is nothing new. And the whole time while this goes on, the police leaders or political leaders want to invite more! They want to invite more!
Tommy Robinson
We are offered silence, free speech is all but dead in Europe. We live in a post free speech era, the attacks on Charlie Hebdo have proven that to the whole world.
Tommy Robinson
Since last night I've had countless threats to cut my head off. I have [contacted] police over 200 death threats. No arrests.
Tommy Robinson
The last thing we want is a war in this country, but it is the inevitable outcome for the way the country is going. Now, the British people are not going to sit back and take much more.
Tommy Robinson
Islam is not up for reform or negotiation – so we have no other choice than to fight it.
Tommy Robinson
Nazism and Islamism are on the opposite sides of the same coin – we oppose both. Nazism has been defeated and Islamism is spreading across the country.
Tommy Robinson
So Theresa May has lost her vote. Many people will be asking what does that even mean. It means we were betrayed. Today is supposed to be our Independence Day.
Tommy Robinson
The media are the enemy of the people. The government, police and social services are responsible for sacrificing a generation of our daughters at the hands of the multiculturalism altar.
Tommy Robinson
All the British media do is lie. I have a lot to say but nothing to you. I want to thank the British public for all their support.
Tommy Robinson
Previous prime ministers, be it William Gladstone who said, 'There will never be peace on this earth as long as we have the Koran, it's an accursed and violent book.' Then we have Winston Churchill who said, 'Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog.' And then we have David Cameron, who says Islam is a religion of peace. What's changed? Because the [Koran] hasn't changed.
Tommy Robinson
Working class communities in this country are rough communities. It was never gonna be doctors and nurses to stand up to militant Islam in the streets of this country. When we first formed, we faced a very violent response by members of the Muslim community who would come out. And images were sent across this country of our supporters on the floor getting their heads kicked in. Now, when we went to our next demonstration, how many 30-year-old school teachers are going to come out and oppose militant Islam?
Tommy Robinson
There should be better regulation of mosques in the UK to curb the influence of preachers of hate and an end to Islamic immigration until the problem is solved.
Tommy Robinson
I'm not going to incite hatred against anyone.
Tommy Robinson
A moment like this makes it all worth while. Today I met real British heroes.
Tommy Robinson