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Walter Rauschenbusch quotes - page 3
The Book of Isaiah begins with a description of the disasters which had overtaken the nation and then in impassioned words the prophet spurns the means taken to appease Jehovah's anger. "...Cease to do evil! Learn to do right! Seek justice! Relieve the oppressed! Secure justice for the orphaned and plead for the widow."
Walter Rauschenbusch
The Christian movement began with John the Baptist. ... in his recorded teaching to the people there is not a word about the customary ritual of religion, about increased Sabbath observance, about stricter washings and sacrifices, or the ordinary exercises of piety. He spoke only of repentance, of ceasing from wrongdoing. He hailed the professional exponents of religion who came to hear him, as a brood of snakes wriggling away from the flames of the judgment. ...The way to prepare for the Messianic era and to escape the wrath of the Messiah was to institute a brotherly life and to equalize social inequalities.
Walter Rauschenbusch
The Greek world cherished no such national religious hope as the prophets had ingrained in Jewish thought; on the other hand it was intensely interested in the future life for the individual, and in the ascetic triumph over flesh and matter. Thus the idea which had been the centre of Christ's thought was not at all the centre of the Church's thought, and even the comprehension of his meaning was lost and overlaid.
Walter Rauschenbusch
We are apt... to forget that the moral force of Christianity was usually only one factor in producing such a change as the abolition of slavery or piracy, and that over against the benign influences of the Church must be set the malign and divisive influences which she created by persecuting zeal, intellectual intolerance, or religious wars. In short, we must soberly face the fact that a good many deductions have to be made from the popular panegyrics, and that the Church has not accomplished all that is often claimed for her.
Walter Rauschenbusch
The position of woman has doubtless been elevated through the influence of Christianity, but... it is probably fair to say that most of the great Churches through their teaching and organization have exerted a conservative and retarding influence on the rise of woman to equality with man.
Walter Rauschenbusch
If, therefore, our personal religious life is likely to be sapped by our devotion to social work, it would be a calamity second to none. But is it really likely that this will happen? The great aim underlying to whole social movement is the creation of a free, just, and brotherly social order. This is the greatest moral task conceivable. Its accomplishment is the manifest will of God for this generation. Every Christian motive is calling us to do it. If it is left undone, millions of lives will be condemned to a deepening moral degradation and to spiritual starvation. Does it look probable that we will lose our contact with God if we plunge too deeply into this work? Does it stand to reason that we shall go astray from Jesus Christ if we engage in the unequal conflict with organized wrong? What kind of ‘spirituality' is it which is likely to get hurt by being put to work for justice and our fellow-men?
Walter Rauschenbusch
Personal religion collapses with some individuals, because in their case it had long been growing hollow and thin. ... In reality there was little personal religion to lose, and that little would probably have been lost in some other way.
Walter Rauschenbusch
Christianity is in its nature revolutionary.
Walter Rauschenbusch
Whoever sets any bounds for the reconstructive power of the religious life over the social relations and institutions of men, to that extent denies the faith of the Master.
Walter Rauschenbusch
By the time the Church had gained sufficient power to exercise a controlling influence, the process of social decay.
Walter Rauschenbusch
The Church had its own law code and its own courts of law.
Walter Rauschenbusch
Primitive Christianity cherished an ardent hope of a radically new era, and within its limits sought to realize a social life on a new moral basis. Thus Christianity as an historical movement was launched.
Walter Rauschenbusch
In the main he shared John's national and social hope. His aim too was the realization of the theocracy.
Walter Rauschenbusch
To the ceremonial aspects of Jewish religion Jesus was either indifferent or hostile; the thought of the prophets was the spiritual food that he assimilated.
Walter Rauschenbusch
I have written this book to discharge a debt.
Walter Rauschenbusch
Western civilization is passing through a social revolution unparalleled in history for scope and power.
Walter Rauschenbusch
Jesus was not a social reformer of the modern type... he approached these facts purely from the moral, and not from the economic or historical point of view.
Walter Rauschenbusch
The individualistic conception of religion is so strongly fortified in theological literature and ecclesiastical institutions that its monopoly cannot be broken in a hurry. It will take a generation or two for the new social comprehension of religion to become common property.
Walter Rauschenbusch
Ancient families became extinct and the Church became the heir of their lands and slaves and serfs.
Walter Rauschenbusch
This Christian ceremonial system does not differ essentially from that against which the prophets protested; with a few verbal changes their invectives would still apply.
Walter Rauschenbusch
Primitive religions consisted mainly in the worship of the powers of nature.
Walter Rauschenbusch
The sympathy of the prophets, even of the most aristocratic among them, was entirely on the side of the poorer classes.
Walter Rauschenbusch