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Jackson Pollock quotes - page 3
I'm very representational some of the time, and a little all of the time. But when you're painting out of your unconscious, figures are bound to emerge.
Jackson Pollock
He drove his kind of realism at me so hard I bounced right into nonobjective painting.
Jackson Pollock
I hardly ever stretch the canvas before painting.
Jackson Pollock
I don't work from drawings. I don't make sketches and drawings and color sketches into a final painting.
Jackson Pollock
Bums are the well-to-do of this day. They didn't have as far to fall.
Jackson Pollock
My work with Benton was important as something against which to react very strongly, later on; in this, it was better to have worked with him than with a less resistant personality who would have provided a much less strong opposition. At the same time Benton introduced me to Renaissance art. [remark on his former art-teacher w:Thomas Hart Benton ].
Jackson Pollock
He [Jackson Pollock] just jumps in before he knows how to swim. [his reaction, when Morandi sees paintings of Pollock for the first time in his life, c. 1950].
Jackson Pollock
When Jackson talked about painting he didn't usurp anything that wasn't himself. He didn't want to change anything, he wasn't using any outworn attitude about it, he was always himself. He just wanted to be in it because he loved it. The response in the person's mind to that mysterious thing that has happened before has nothing to do with 'who did it first'.
Jackson Pollock
The first Pollock show I saw was in 1951 at Betty Parson's gallery, early in the fall, probably September or October. It was staggering. I really felt surrounded. I went with Clement Greenberg [famous art-critic of American Abstract Expressionism / New York School] who threw me into the room and seemed to say 'swim'. By then I had been exposed to enough of it so it hit me and had magic but didn't puzzle me to the point of stopping my feelings.
Jackson Pollock
He [Pollock] is the one who would pull me out of a state when I would say, 'the work has changed and I can't stand it. It's just like so and so's work.' Then he would come [they lived and worked together] and look and say, 'You are crazy, It is nothing like so and so's work. Just continue painting and stop hanging yourself up.' We had that kind of rapport.
Jackson Pollock
His chief difficulty was with the basic art of drawing.
Jackson Pollock