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Conor Oberst quotes - page 3
And each new act of war is tonight's entertainment. We're still the pawns in their game.
Conor Oberst
And I'm sorry about the phone call and needing you Some decisions you don't make I guess it's just like breathing or not wanting to There are some things you can't fake.
Conor Oberst
So hurry up and run to the one that you love. And blind him with your kindness. And he'll make war, oh war, On who you were before. And he'll claim all that has spoiled in your heart.
Conor Oberst
I hear if you make friends with Jesus Christ, you will get right up from that chalk outline. And then you'll get dolled up, and you'll dress in white all to take your place in his chorus line. And then in you'll come with those marching drums in a saintly compromise. No more whiskey slurs, no more blonde-haired girls for your whole eternal life. And you'll do the dance that was choreographed at the very dawn of time. Singing "I told you son, the day would come you would die, you'd die you'd die you'd die you'd die."
Conor Oberst
I've seen a child, he's caught in the sad trap of gravity. He falls from the lowest branch of the apple tree and lands in the grass and weeps for his dignity. Next time he will not aim so high. Yeah, next time, neither will I.
Conor Oberst
So I go back and forth forever All my thoughts they come in pairs Oh I will, I won't, I doubt, I don't, I'm not surprised but I never feel quite prepared.
Conor Oberst
So you can try and live in darkness but you will never shake the light. It will greet you every morning and make you more aware with its absence at night.
Conor Oberst
It was a small mistake Sometimes that is all it takes.
Conor Oberst
I wanna be a shower in the morning That wakes you up and makes you clean I know I'm just the weather against your window As you sleep through a winter's dream.
Conor Oberst
I've cried, and you'd think I'd be better for it, but the sadness just sleeps, and it stays in my spine the rest of my life.
Conor Oberst
Sometimes I daydream about having a farm and a wife and some babies and watching the grass grow, but you have to meet the right person for that.
Conor Oberst
When everything is lonely I can be my best friend.
Conor Oberst
On a detox loft through a Glendale Park over sidewalk chalk Someone wrote in red, "start over."
Conor Oberst
You took off your clothes and left on the light, You stood there so brave, you used to be shy, Each feature improved, each movement refined, And eyes like a showroom.
Conor Oberst
I dreamt this ship was sinkin' there was people screaming all around And I awoke to my alarm clock it was a pop song it was playin' loud.
Conor Oberst
If the world could remain within a frame Like a painting on a wall, Then I think we would see the beauty, then We would stand staring in awe At our still lives posed Like a bowl of oranges, Like a story told By the fault lines and the soil.
Conor Oberst
I never thought of running My feet just led the way.
Conor Oberst
Ambition, I've found, can lead only to failure. I do not read the reviews. No, I am not singing for you.
Conor Oberst
Well, I stood dropping a coin into the pit of a well. And I would throw my whole billfold if I thought it would help.
Conor Oberst
I found a liquid cure for my landlocked blues.
Conor Oberst
It is clear to see that it is not them but me, who had lost my self-identity. As I hide behind these books I read, while scribbling my poetry, like art could save a wretch like me, with some ideal ideology that no one can hope to achieve. And I am never real; it is just a sketch of me. And everything I have made is trite and cheap and a waste of paint, of tape, of time.
Conor Oberst
You've been a father to me. Your 1960's speak. Gives me comatose joy like re-run TV. While the mountainside was shining. Wild colors of my destiny.
Conor Oberst