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Ted Nugent quotes - page 2
Big bangs don't make this. That's not a big bang. God made that. That's a liver. That's mystical. You and I can't make livers. Things banging don't make livers. This is mystical stuff. This is magic. This is perfection.
Ted Nugent
I got to tell you, guys that have sex with each other's anal cavities -- how can we offend guys that actually have anal sex? Don't you think that might offend some of us who think that's despicable?
Ted Nugent
Though I'm no expert on all things Pantera, I did hear their version of 'Cat Scratch Fever' and it was exceedingly white. No soul, no balls, no feel. Caucasian all the way. Elements of dope, booze and heroin disconnect quite apparent as usual. There is no excuse for such horrifically negative, irresponsible, criminal, America-wrecking behavior as such chimp-like substance abuse. Period. They appeared as Ozzy-like zombies on TV. Ya think. American drunks and dopers are allahpuke terrorists' favorite allies. Damn them. Damn them all.
Ted Nugent
The magic's in my hands When in doubt I whip it out I got me a rock 'n' roll band It's a free-for-all.
Ted Nugent
American doesn't need any more professional political punks in D. C., unless you believe sticking a red hot crowbar in your eye is an excellent treatment for cataracts. It's professional political punks who have created the pus-filled infected wound of fundamental transformation, not Donald Trump. They are the ones calling for a bigger bureaucratic shovel for the hole they have already dug, not Donald Trump. They are the ones who have lied to Americans or intentionally hidden the truth from us, not Donald Trump. It's professional politicians who are the enemy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not Donald Trump.
Ted Nugent
Donald Trump's message sings to Americans because he doesn't play politically correct brain-dead games. He calls them like he sees them. That's refreshing to millions of Americans who believe political correctness is a public cancer that has eroded free speech and everything else good about America.
Ted Nugent
Donald Trump should be given the Medal of Freedom for speaking his mind in such a bold, honest and straight-forward manner.
Ted Nugent
Ted likes his meat dead, enough said.
Ted Nugent
GOP, your very existence is on the line here. Show some honesty or you're done.
Ted Nugent
Use your lives wisely, my friends, and conserve these precious freedoms for future generations.
Ted Nugent
Do you want to feel good, or do you want to do good?
Ted Nugent
I'm healthy, have a loving and adorable family, great hunting dogs, a gravity defying musical career and most importantly, fuzzy-headed idiots hate me.
Ted Nugent
War is good when good survives and evil is crushed. If you don't crush evil then evil will get you.
Ted Nugent
The problem with guys like Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary of George W. Bush, is that he's drunk the inside-the-beltway political Kookaid for so long that he actually believes his own spin. Poor guy went down for the third time in the denial goo long ago. Donald Trump's biggest critics all believe that the engine of all things good and serious emanates from the professional Fedzillacrats who apparently enjoy wallowing in the said goo of Washington, D. C. ... Donald Trump is a mess? Maybe Mr. Fleischer should open up the political garbage can he and the majority of Fedzillacrats live in and take a look at the real, certifiable, rotting, stinking mess that has been caused by the professional scammers of both political stripes for the past 50 years. ... If you want to watch a real political train wreck, witness a real mess in progress, you need look no further than the professional politicians who have borrowed and spent this country into oblivion. Trump that if you dare.
Ted Nugent
God gave us the gift of life. It is the most precious gift ever. To be unarmed is to be helpless to protect that gift; that is outright irresponsible.
Ted Nugent
I am Classic Rock Revisited. I revisit it every waking moment of my life because it has the spirit and the attitude and the fire and the middle finger. I am Rosa Parks with a Gibson guitar.
Ted Nugent
I hump the wild to take it all in, there is no bag limit on happiness.
Ted Nugent
My idea of fast food is a mallard.
Ted Nugent
Without question, the Red Ryder BB gun is the most important gun in the history of American weaponry.
Ted Nugent
I really have the American dream licked.
Ted Nugent
I have self-actualized. Pardon me whilst I adjust my glowing halo.
Ted Nugent
I'm the gun guy, a loud guitar Dirty Harry with a ponytail.
Ted Nugent