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Emil Nolde quotes - page 2
Nobody had made the same full use of the properties of acids and metal in this way before. Having drown on the copper-plate and left areas of it bare, I laid it in the bath of acid and achieved effects that astonished even me, full of subtle nuances.
Emil Nolde
They [his own fantasies he made in strange pencil drawings then] hover before me now in drifting color, more beautiful than I can possibly paint them.. ..I yearn for the day when I will have found my color harmonies, my harmonies.
Emil Nolde
A new day. Calm as seldom the beginning of such a one. Did I dream? No! Dream and contented pure was the night.. .It is the sure certainty of having found unity with nature, this calm causes one of the strongest experiences. Man, air, trees, world are laid bare and are one! Contented sleep releases the limbs. We await full moon. Await the dance!
Emil Nolde
'The most perfect art was Greek art. Raphael is the greatest of all masters in painting'. Such were the doctrines of every art teacher only twenty or thirty years ago.
Emil Nolde
a later confession to his friend, in Expressionism; Praeger Publishers, New York, 1973, p. 76.
Emil Nolde
The most perfect art was Greek art. Raphael is the greatest of all masters in painting.
Emil Nolde
a written note of Nolde, 1903, on the island of Alsen; as quoted by de:Wolf-Dieter Dube, in Expressionism; Praeger Publishers, New York, 1973, p. 77.
Emil Nolde