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Caroline Myss quotes - page 3
If you betray yourself, you are no different from the people who hurt you. What's the difference between those people who hurt you and what you are doing to yourself?
Caroline Myss
The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time. And that's why when one has become a forgiving person, and has managed to let go of the past, what they've really done is they've shifted their relationship with time.
Caroline Myss
Master your responses to external events--don't attempt to control them.
Caroline Myss
The strings to our past are burned because we need a new beginning.
Caroline Myss
Forgiveness is no longer an option but a necessity for healing.
Caroline Myss
Faith in anything, be it positive or negative, produces results. Putting faith in fear generates destructive results, beginning with the disintegration of our ability to relate confidently to the external world.
Caroline Myss
Human reasoning can never answer the mysteries of our lives.
Caroline Myss
Forgive and call back the energy wasted on past events.
Caroline Myss
While we measure our own success in terms of our personal comfort and security, the universe measures our success by how much we have learned.
Caroline Myss
Spiritual maturity is measured not by the sophistication of a person's opinions, but by their genuineness and the courage necessary to express and maintain them.
Caroline Myss
If you don't appreciate what you have in life right now, whatever it is, you will never realize your purpose. Without appreciation, you will never become strong enough to respect yourself.
Caroline Myss
So long as we use comfort and security as our criteria of success, we will fear our own intuitive guidance because by its very nature it directs us into new cycles of learning that are sometimes uncomfortable.
Caroline Myss
Your identity, self-esteem, and awareness of your ego lay the groundwork for your life. How you conduct yourself with others, and whether you have the strength to make your way without needing to ask for another's permission, depends on how well you succeed at the many challenges that awaken your need to take charge of who you are.
Caroline Myss
It doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.
Caroline Myss
Wounds are the means through which we enter the hearts of other people. They are meant to teach us to become compassionate and wise.
Caroline Myss
Survival activates miracles when a person relies on the graces of hope and faith.
Caroline Myss
Intention without action is useless.
Caroline Myss
The goal of the human experience is to transform ourselves from being who long to attain power in the physical world to beings who are empowered from within.
Caroline Myss
The reason you have descended into physical life is to unleash the power of your soul upon Earth.
Caroline Myss
Finding the right healing path requires all or nothing. Once you place conditions on healing, all you can achieve is conditional healing.
Caroline Myss
To heal illness, begin by restoring balance.
Caroline Myss
The greatest gift you can give another person is strength.
Caroline Myss