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Caroline Myss quotes
Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.
Caroline Myss
Whatever is in me is stronger than what is out there to defeat me.
Caroline Myss
There are no insignificant relationships. Every experience that we have contains purpose and meaning. Each event, each person in our lives embodies an energetic fragment of our own psyche and soul. Our individual spiritual task is to recognize and integrate all of them into our awareness so that the greater pattern of our mission can shine forth in its full dimensions.
Caroline Myss
Live one day at a time. Keep your attention in present time. Have no expectations. Make no judgements. And give up the need to know why things happen as they do. Give it up!
Caroline Myss
What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body.
Caroline Myss
Forgiveness is a mystical act, not a reasonable one.
Caroline Myss
The empowerment journey that is critical to your healing - and to your life - comes from progressing through the deep waters of your dark passions and continuing onward to discover not what has been taken from you, but what you have yet to give and who you have yet to become.
Caroline Myss
Our goal while on this earth is to transcend our illusions and discover the innate power of our spirit. We are responsible for what we create, and we must therefore learn to act and think with love and wisdom and live in service to others and all life.
Caroline Myss
Self-examination is the process of accountability to your soul...It is far better to "become" your truth than to speak your truth. Self-examination is the practice of becoming your truth.
Caroline Myss
Fate is how your life unfolds when you let fear determine your choices. A path of destiny reveals itself to you, however, when you confront your fear and make conscious choices.
Caroline Myss
Grace is a power that comes in and transforms a moment into something better.
Caroline Myss
A soulmate is the person who makes your sould grow the most.
Caroline Myss
People around the world are confusing the therapeutic value of self-expression with permission to manipulate others with their wounds.
Caroline Myss
You can eat beef on a weekly basis and become a genius intuitive if your energy is in present time. You can consume only organic food while running thirty-five miles a day and "om-ing" until dawn, but if your spirit is raging about your history and is saturated in regrets and unfinished business, you won't be able to intuit your left hand from your right...
Caroline Myss
You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered-down, occasional hope that you'll get to tomorrow. Intention without action is useless.
Caroline Myss
Keep your honor code between you and God, you don't break that, no matter who's not looking. God is.
Caroline Myss
You never really know how or when your life is going to change, and that's for the best.
Caroline Myss
When you do not seek or need approval, you are at your most powerful.
Caroline Myss
Forgiveness, quite frankly, is the most selfish thing you can do. Because it is the greatest thing you can do for yourself.
Caroline Myss
Our lives change externally as we change internally.
Caroline Myss
You have resources yet to be unleashed. Make bold, courageous choices. Live as though you have the power to change the world - because you do.
Caroline Myss
Self-love means caring for ourselves enough to forgive people in our past so that the wounds can no longer damage us - for our wounds do not hurt the people who hurt us, they hurt only us.
Caroline Myss