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Jeffrey Montgomery quotes
Never repeat the words of your enemy. When you do, their words are heard twice and yours only once.
Jeffrey Montgomery
Anti-GLBT sentiment is a primary tool for organizing the far-right and it is stronger then ever as a means to split communities and reinforce constituencies.
Jeffrey Montgomery
Is it any wonder that those who attack us feel they have a license to do so? A license to kill? Police won't investigate. Juries won't convict. The public still thinks our lives are a political issue, defined by the mythic "Gay Agenda."
Jeffrey Montgomery
"Gay panic” is insidious. It appeals to juries, who are allegedly made up of random members of the community. What defense lawyers know is that most people are repulsed by the idea of gay -especially gay male- sex. Those lawyers know that a claim of defense against an alleged gay sexual advance will win points with the jury of peers.
Jeffrey Montgomery
Buchanan is worse than a child playing with matches because he understands the dangerous impact of what he says.
Jeffrey Montgomery
When dealing with the press the most important thing to remember is that you have the right to remain silent, because everything you say can and will be used against you.
Jeffrey Montgomery
But the cards are stacked against us. Scurrilous and abusive rhetoric is spewed by politicians and so-called religious leaders, who cloak themselves by turning the Constitution on its head and claim protection and permission to demonize and denigrate us. Hiding behind the perversion of the concepts of religious freedom and political speech, those people have carved out a special right to impose their bigotry and hatred for us.
Jeffrey Montgomery
John Ashcroft is not a friend of liberty and justice. George Bush, the appointed president, is not someone who ---prior to a month ago--- ever demonstrated any insight or acuity about the world around him. Have these men been born again, again?
Jeffrey Montgomery
Matt's murder is a parable for our times. It tells of what happens to the conscience of the country when it fails to be free for all and accord every person dignity. How we consume and destroy our children...our future.
Jeffrey Montgomery
GLBT people across this country only want equality and to be left alone, left to pursue our dreams and aspirations and our part of the American promise, which should be our birthright.
Jeffrey Montgomery
Our call to people of goodwill and justice, and especially to all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people, and those who support and love us -our allies in the fight for liberty and justice for all- is to take action.
Jeffrey Montgomery
America... You Kill Me! America kills all of us.
Jeffrey Montgomery
We can not live as disposable people. The broader community, which has firmly established compulsory heterosexuality as the law of the universe, has to get over its problem with us.
Jeffrey Montgomery
While it is all too true that there is no single monolithic voice or unified agreement about what it means to be GLBT-identified, this "GLBT community” has been able to unite behind some basic consensus of what we need to achieve in order to claim the right of full citizenship.
Jeffrey Montgomery
As new generations of activists come forward with new ideas and sensibilities; as the political landscape evolves and changes; as new technologies are born and developed; and as the mercurial focus of issues present new concerns and dangers... Our strength, creativity, harnessed rage and effective activism will remain constant and be the root source of our salvation in the future.
Jeffrey Montgomery
It's going to be a heartbreaking moment for these couples, to come face to face with this discrimination against them.
Jeffrey Montgomery
What kind of a society is this where a person can't express attraction without fearing that they're going to be murdered for it? If the person who came out with the secret was a Jewish woman or a black woman or an Asian woman, and he went over to her house the next day and killed her because he was so repulsed and she had embarrassed him that way on national television, nobody would be writing stories on the TV show's responsibility. Everyone would be writing stories about this racist, this anti-Semite.
Jeffrey Montgomery
I always return the bible to the front desk when I stay in a hotel. I'm not welcome in their house of worship and they're certainly not welcome in mine.
Jeffrey Montgomery
This guy looks pretty gay to me. I'm willing to believe they didn't intend it to be a gay man, but I don't believe they're shocked someone would draw that conclusion.
Jeffrey Montgomery
Pat Buchanan is a walking, living, breathing hate crime waiting to happen.
Jeffrey Montgomery
We want to be able to freely associate, without fear that our privacy, including the privacy of our intimate consensual relations, will be compromised by intrusive and abusive selective enforcement of laws or moral codes. We want to be able to live with the person we choose in legally sanctioned arrangements or marriage, to be able to build and maintain families and raise children, with the full protections and benefits that attain to those relationships. We want GLBT youth to have access to safe and inclusive education experiences, in both public and private educational institutions, no longer dispirited by judgmental, prejudicial systems that contribute to low self-esteem and leave them at risk. These are the basic rights and expectations yet to be achieved for GLBT people in this land of the free.
Jeffrey Montgomery
And let's not make any mistake, or gloss over that fact: Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are at risk every day of their lives. Not only are we the group most at risk of violence, we are most at risk of job discrimination, losing our families; homophobia retains its title as the last socially acceptable form of bigotry.
Jeffrey Montgomery