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Don Miller (author) quotes - page 2
Without a positive male role model in your life it is extremely difficult to become a man who benefits his family and benefits society.
Don Miller (author)
I think, in the grand epic, Jesus is the hero of our stories. And our stories, as they were, are subplots in a grand epic and our job is not to be the hero of any story. Our job is to be a saint in a story that he is telling.
Don Miller (author)
The most important thing that happens within Christian spirituality is when a person falls in love with Jesus.
Don Miller (author)
I love writing books - I really do. If I could just quit everything and work on a book every day, I would love that most.
Don Miller (author)
Meaning is something we experience more than we attain. It's like finding a nice, easy current in a river that carries you through life.
Don Miller (author)
I think understanding your life as a story is a really terrific way of kind of knowing where you are and knowing who you are.
Don Miller (author)
One of the things I love about our source text as Christians, the Bible is that it teaches us not to avoid conflict. And it teaches us that before the fall of man, in Paradise, there was conflict. God wants conflict to be a part of your life.
Don Miller (author)
Most of us are waiting. We're waiting for something interesting to happen. And I think we're going to wait forever if we don't do something more interesting with our lives.
Don Miller (author)
Every human being is searching for a deep sense of meaning, and yet we're all chasing success. We've confused one for the other.
Don Miller (author)
People are lonely. They want company and your book can provide them company and a little bit of hope. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Don Miller (author)
If you have a beautiful story, it has to have conflict. If you don't have conflict, it can't be a good story.
Don Miller (author)
I'm not a pastor; I've never been on staff at a church.
Don Miller (author)
I used to write when I was in the mood or felt inspired. Anymore, I write whether I feel inspired or not. It's a discipline. So that's definitely different. It's part of maturing as a person and as a professional.
Don Miller (author)
I hear addicts talk about the shakes and panic attacks and the highs and lows of resisting their habit, and to some degree I understand them because I have had habits of my own, but no drug is so powerful as the drug of self. No rut in the mind is so deep as the one that says I am the world, the world belongs to me, all people are characters in my play. There is no addiction so powerful as self addiction.
Don Miller (author)
The problem with Christian culture is we think of love as a commodity. We use it like money.
Don Miller (author)
I spend 95 percent of my time thinking about myself anyway. I don't have to watch the evening news to see that the world is bad, I only have to look at myself. I am not browbeating myself here; I am only saying that true change, true life-giving, God-honoring change wound have to start with the individual. I was the very problem I had been protesting. I wanted to make a sign that read "I AM THE PROBLEM."
Don Miller (author)
The days and weeks before a true commitment to Jesus can be terrible and lonely. I think I was feeling bitter about the human experience. I never asked to be human. Nobody can to the womb and explained the situation to me, asking for my permission to go into the world and live and breathe and eat and feel joy and pain. I started thinking about how odd it was to be human, how we are stuck inside this skin, forced to be attracted to the opposite sex, forced to eat food, and use the rest room and then stuck to the earth by gravity. I spent an entire week feeling bitter because I couldn't breathe underwater. I told God I wanted to be a fish. I also felt a little bitter about sleep. Why do we have to sleep? I wanted to be able to stay awake for as long as I wanted, but God had put me in this body that had to sleep. Life no longer seemed like and experience of freedom.
Don Miller (author)
The graves all are silent. The caskets are vacant. Stalin has no more wisdom for us. Nietzsche is preserved in books, having forgotten to lift his casket lid and tell us he was right. Muhammad gives us the slip. So does Buddha. It is Christ alone who defeats the grave. Nothing is left in the tomb but echoes and cobwebs. And so we do well to listen to Him with the ears of dying men.
Don Miller (author)
I have come to understand that strength, inner strength, comes from receiving love as much as it comes from giving it...God's love will never change us if we don't accept it.
Don Miller (author)
I've had about fifty people tell me that I fear intimacy. And it is true. I fear what people will think of me, and that is the reason I don't date very often. People really like me a lot when they only know me a little, but I have this great fear that if they knew me a lot they wouldn't like me. That is the number one thing that scares me about having a wife because she would have to know me pretty well in order to marry me and I think if she got to know me pretty well she wouldn't like me anymore.
Don Miller (author)
Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. It is as if they are showing you the way.
Don Miller (author)
All great characters in stories are the ones who give their lives to something bigger than themselves. And in all of the stories I don't find anyone more noble than Jesus.
Don Miller (author)