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Ilana Mercer quotes - page 11
Centuries of Islam, transmitted through mother's milk, cannot be tweaked out of the Muslim DNA like some unsightly nose-hair.
Ilana Mercer
(When asked - "What do you consider important in life?") "Meaningful work, intellectual honesty (rare), close relationships, good health, my guns, my companion parrot (Oscar-Wood), related advocacy and charities."
Ilana Mercer
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," instead of "life, liberty and property." With that vagueness, Jefferson undermined the foundation of civilization: private property right.
Ilana Mercer
The countdown to President-elect Trump's inauguration has morphed into a search-and-rescue for the Barack Obama legacy, except that when something is dead; it becomes a recovery operation.
Ilana Mercer
"Audacity we won't miss: Obama praised his spoilt daughters for graciously wearing 'the burden of years' of life in the lap of luxury (courtesy the taxpayer), a sentiment his wife, Michelle Antoinette Obama, seconded.”.
Ilana Mercer
Quick quiz: What does 'unoccupied' or 'liberated' Palestinian land look like? Answer: Like Gaza.
Ilana Mercer
Self-government, and not imposed government, implies that society, and not The State, is to develop value systems. The State's role is to protect citizens as they go about their business peacefully, living in accordance with their peaceful values.
Ilana Mercer
Because our form of government is incompatible with the enforcement of values, the American People can't and mustn't welcome into their midst civilizations whose values are inimical to the survival of their own.
Ilana Mercer
By upholding the moral order, President Trump is also restoring the natural order inverted by his predecessors. The feminist order of Obama had humiliated thousands of American men-of-action by turning them into wet-nurses.
Ilana Mercer
In Cool Britannia, the moniker the Island acquired in the times of trendy Tony Blair, the only way disarmed Britons may shoot a savage is with ... a camera.
Ilana Mercer
The category of 'criminal' (according to incontrovertibly correct libertarian political theory) entails the outlaw criminal class-it needs no introduction-and the legalized criminal class: the politicians.
Ilana Mercer
Life with Islam is life under Islam and its enablers.
Ilana Mercer
Actors are a troupe that makes a living pretending to be something they're not. Professional poseurs, if you like. Granted, they're not parasites, like the politicians with whom they cavort. But Tinseltown is a left-liberal ideological collective. They march in thematic unison. That their cultural products have become artistically worthless could well be because activism has replaced acting, and sermons have supplanted stories and good scripts. Hollywood is a pretty, pea-brained community.
Ilana Mercer
Those gathered at the Annual Correspondents' Dinner, or their Christmas party, are not the country's natural aristocracy, but its authentic Idiocracy. No matter how poor their predictive powers, no matter how many times they get it wrong-in war and in peace-the presstitutes always find time for this orgy of self-praise.
Ilana Mercer
Like nothing else, the annual Correspondents' Dinner is a mark of a corrupt politics. It's a sickening specter, where some of the most pretentious, worthless people in the country-in politics, journalism and entertainment-convene to revel in their ability to petition and curry favor with one another, usually to the detriment of the rest of us in Rome's provinces.
Ilana Mercer
"The more abstract the expert Idiocracy gets in defining what is murder-by-Muslim immigrant, the more removed will be their solutions-removed from solutions that are at once achievable and the legitimate purview of limited government.”.
Ilana Mercer
ISIS and an abstract ideology called 'radical Islamic terrorism'-a redundancy, if ever there was one, since Islam unreformed is radical-are not attacking us. Men and women upon whom we've conferred the right to live among us are.
Ilana Mercer
"Hidden or in plain sight, The State is geared toward increasing or maintaining its sphere of influence, never reducing it. Voters are paid lip service, provided their wishes coincide with the aims of this unelected, entrenched apparatus. But when the popular will defies Deep State, that monster breathes fire.”.
Ilana Mercer
The manufacturing of Fake News by the Deep State, circa 2017, is of a piece with the anatomy of the ramp-up to war in Iraq, in 2003. Except that back then, Republicans, joined by diabolical Democrats like Hillary Clinton, were the ones dreaming up Homer Simpson's Third Dimension.
Ilana Mercer
To comprehend the hysterical mass contagion that is the war on Trump it's essential to trace the contours of that other war, 'Operation Iraqi Freedom,' and the way it was peddled to the American public.
Ilana Mercer
America's foreign police is Disneyfied production, starring, invariably, an evil dictator who was killing his noble people, until, high on paternalism, America rode to the rescue.
Ilana Mercer
Arisen online and beyond is a niche-market of nudniks (nags): Women talking, blogging, vlogging, writing and publishing about women in high-technology or their absence therefrom; women beating the tom-tom about discrimination and stereotyping, but saying absolutely nothing about the technology they presumably love and help create.
Ilana Mercer