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Kip McKean quotes
I taught what was clear in Acts 11:26: SAVED = CHRISTIAN = DISCIPLE, simply meaning that you cannot be saved and you cannot be a true Christian without being a disciple also.
Kip McKean
Revolution was and is in each step and breath of those who dare follow this man called Jesus. Revolution comes about only when there is at least one person willing to take a stand for God and say "the present system" is wrong and thus will not accomplish the purposes of God. All of God's purposes center on His glory and meeting the needs of people. Jesus was the ultimate revolutionary.
Kip McKean
Second is best because God rewards the quest.
Kip McKean
But today, I look around this auditorium, and there are 50% of you who are significantly overweight, and it's disgusting!...I'm embarrassed to be around some of you people. I hug you and my hand goes into your sides.
Kip McKean
No matter how dynamic a campus work, unless a whole church is "totally committed," the campus ministry's impact would be limited.
Kip McKean
I believe with all my heart that the dream to evangelize the world in this generation will be accomplished by God's power working through his disciples. And to God be the glory!
Kip McKean