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Maxwell Maltz quotes - page 2
One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits, his personality, or his way of life, has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self, so to speak, rather than to the center.
Maxwell Maltz
It is an old psychological axiom that constant exposure to the object of fear immunizes against the fear.
Maxwell Maltz
Study the situation thoroughly, go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you and the consequences which can and may follow from each course. Pick out the course which gives the most promise and go ahead.
Maxwell Maltz
You can do only one thing at a time. I simply tackle one problem and concentrate all efforts on what I am doing at the moment.
Maxwell Maltz
Worry is one of the most destructive scourges of mankind.
Maxwell Maltz
When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative "success mechanism" within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or "willpower.
Maxwell Maltz
Emptiness is a symptom that you are not living creatively. You either have not goal that is important enough to you, or you are not using your talents and efforts in a striving toward an important goal.
Maxwell Maltz
Thus man of all creatures is more than a creature, he is also a creator. Man alone can direct his success mechanism by the use of imagination, or imaging ability.
Maxwell Maltz
You are embarking on the greatest adventure of your life -- to improve your self-image, to create more meaning in your life and in the lives of others. This is your responsibility. Accept it, now.
Maxwell Maltz
Loneliness is caused by an alienation from life. It is a loneliness from your real self.
Maxwell Maltz
There is within each of us a "life-instinct," which is forever working toward health, happiness, and all that makes for more life for the individual.
Maxwell Maltz
To think, when one is no longer young, when one is not yet old, that one is no longer young, that one is not yet old, that is perhaps something.
Maxwell Maltz
The minute that we change our minds, and stop giving power to the past, the past with its mistakes loses power over us.
Maxwell Maltz
The most delightful surprise in life is to suddenly recognise your own worth.
Maxwell Maltz
Our self image and our habits tend to go together. Change one and you will automatically change the other.
Maxwell Maltz
Your nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a 'real' experience. In either case, it reacts automatically to information which you give to it from your forebrain. Your nervous system reacts appropriately to what you THINK or IMAGINE to be 'true.
Maxwell Maltz
Successful people are able to rise above crises by relaxing no matter what the external situation. Their belief in themselves, the strength of their self-image is impenetrable armor, which protects them against shattering events.
Maxwell Maltz
Self-esteem is as necessary to the spirit as food is to the body.
Maxwell Maltz
We, whoever we are, must have a daily goal in our lives, no matter how small or great, to make that day mean something.
Maxwell Maltz
See yourself reacting to threats, not by running away or evading them, but by meeting them, dealing with them, grappling with them in an aggressive intelligent manner.
Maxwell Maltz
The biggest secret of self-esteem is this: Begin to appreciate other people more; show respect for any human being merely because he is a child of God and therefore a thing of value.
Maxwell Maltz
Every day you must try to make your own self-image grow; this you can do.
Maxwell Maltz