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Ken MacLeod quotes - page 2
I can't really imagine war. I can imagine having to fight some swarm of zombie machines or snarling horde of posthuman fast-burn wreckage or whatever, but not two or more actual human societies actually fighting each other. I'm aware that people did that, before history, before the Moon, but it seems irrational. One side would have to believe they had something to gain from destroying or damaging the other, which just doesn't make sense: it runs up against the law of association. And more to the point, each individual on any side would have to believe that they benefited from participating even if they died, which doesn't make sense either. I suppose kin selection could make genes prevalent that made people vulnerable to that kind of illusion, but that only makes sense with animals that don't have foresight. Even crows aren't that stupid, at least not the ones that can talk. You have to get down to ants and such like before you see that kind of genetic mechanical mindlessness.
Ken MacLeod
We're in danger of losing the ship generation.” "I'm aware of the problems,” she said. "‘You can't tell the boys from the girls, they have no respect for their elders, their user interfaces are garish and unwieldy, everybody is writing a book, and their music is just noise.' Found scratched on a potsherd in Sumer.
Ken MacLeod
I don't really believe in the Devil, but if the Devil is the Father of Lies, then he certainly invented the Internet.
Ken MacLeod
What if capitalism is unsustainable, and socialism is impossible?
Ken MacLeod
We're in danger of losing the ship generation.
Ken MacLeod
Anyway...I find what you write interesting.
Ken MacLeod