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Newton Lee quotes - page 2
God gives life to human beings who in turn give birth to artificial intelligence.
Newton Lee
Conspiracy theories abound in many tragedies and injustices, but the greatest conspiracy of all is how human beings treat one another and other living things on Earth.
Newton Lee
We can change our future, but we cannot escape our destiny. That is why life is a journey, not a destination. All roads lead to Rome, but our actions and inaction determine the meaning of our life regardless of the outcome.
Newton Lee
Thanks to the Internet, words can travel at the speed of light, and no amount of censorship can stop the flow of information. ... Thanks to Malala's courage, no militant can silence her. Thanks to the Internet, the pen is mightier than the sword.
Newton Lee
A few musical notes can morph into countless new songs, and a small set of vocabulary can create a congeries of poems. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.
Newton Lee
As citizen journalists and bloggers are becoming more important in news gathering and timely dissemination, mainstream media has found an important ally in the Fifth Estate.
Newton Lee
It is up to humankind to make peace on earth, not by force but based on free will. Albert Einstein said, "Whatever there is of God and goodness in the universe, it must work itself out and express itself through us. We cannot stand aside and let God do it.”.
Newton Lee
American civil rights activist and U. S. Army Sergeant Medgar Evers once said that "you can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea." His statement applies to both good and evil. Drones are powerful assassination weapons that offer short-term fixes. Drones kill terrorists, but not the idea of terrorism in the long term.
Newton Lee
May we all come to realize that education and the humanities should be valued for nurturing our minds and society as a whole, and not only as a means to build future careers.
Newton Lee
Why is it that technology is often the one to blame? On the contrary, social media encourages people to "think aloud” and come up with bold, new, controversial, or opposing ideas.
Newton Lee
Online dating versus traditional dating is like using an electronic calculator versus an abacus. They both can give you accurate results if used properly, but one of them is obviously faster and easier in the modern age.
Newton Lee
To err is human. AI software modeled after humans will inevitably make mistakes. It is fine as long as the software learns from its errors and improves itself, which is something that humans ought to learn from AI. Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, wrote in "Case of Voluntary Ignorance" in Collected Essays (1959): "That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach."
Newton Lee
Verily, trust Google. The truth is out there; we just need to know how to Google it!
Newton Lee
Total information awareness has helped to stabilize relations among international powers, and to that end espionage is making the world a safer place.
Newton Lee
The "need to know" syndrome had reached epidemic proportions within the U. S. government, all the way to top including the Presidents of the United States.
Newton Lee
The Sony saga has brought to light a hidden sinister: Cyber terrorism has reached a whole new level by combining cyber attacks and threats of physical terrorism.
Newton Lee
The more information that countries and peoples have about each other, the better and safer the world will become.
Newton Lee
Apart from a 20-minute stunt as Eeyore at Disneyland for "Disney Way One” and countless joyful hours of volunteering with my fellow colleagues, my job at Disney Online was mainly to make children happy by creating entertaining and educational games.
Newton Lee
I sometimes wish to be a kid again and go through life a little differently.
Newton Lee
If the meaning of life is futility, human longevity loses its luster.
Newton Lee
Diversity emanates beauty.
Newton Lee
Transhumanists around the world are cooperating to mitigate existential threats to humankind.
Newton Lee