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Bill Hybels quotes - page 6
God-honoring prayers are not simply shopping lists. They are more than cries for help, strength, mercy and miracles. Authentic prayer should include worship, submission, requests, and confessions.
Bill Hybels
Perfect peace comes only through relating with the Peacemaker himself.
Bill Hybels
The reality is that our God is good. It's in his nature to be good; it's who he is--a giving God, a blessing God, an encouraging God, a nurturing God, an empowering God, a loving God. This is the God who willingly waits for your call.
Bill Hybels
God doesn't want us to pile up impressive phrases. He doesn't want us to use words without thinking about their meaning. He wants us to talk to him as to a friend or father - authentically, reverently, personally, earnestly.
Bill Hybels
If Christ's followers aren't growing, it is because they are not making a habit of evaluating their lives. They don't step back and ask, "What's working and what's not working?"
Bill Hybels
God is righteous and just, holy and tender, responsive and sympathetic. He is willing--anxious even--to hear from you. Moreover, he is willing to act on your behalf.
Bill Hybels
There are two main principles I've picked up over the years as they pertain to cultivating the type of faith that moves mountains. The first is this: Faith comes by looking at God, not at the mountain. The second is this: God gives us faith as we walk by his side.
Bill Hybels
The time of day we choose for prayer doesn't matter, so long as we keep it faithfully. Prayer must be part of the rhythm of our daily lives.
Bill Hybels
Supplications are requests that you make of God. And truly, nothing is too big for God to handle or too small for him to be interested in.
Bill Hybels
Prayer busters (causes of unanswered prayer) are prayerlessness, unconfessed sin, unresolved relational conflict, selfishness, uncaring attitudes, and inadequate faith.
Bill Hybels
One prayer routine that is balanced and easy to remember is found in the word ACTS, an acrostic whose four letters stand for adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication.
Bill Hybels
If you have pumped your fist at God, the good news is that you can come back into fellowship with him right this minute.
Bill Hybels
One reason we stop praying or let our prayer lives fade is that we are too comfortable.
Bill Hybels
If your ear is open to the afflicted, God will keep his ear open to you.
Bill Hybels
If the disciples were capable of making wrong requests - requests that were self-serving, patently materialistic, shortsighted or immature - I feel sure that we are too. Fortunately God loves us too much to say yes to inappropriate requests.
Bill Hybels
If you're a parent, you know how incredibly good it feels when one of your children spontaneously thanks you for something. God is our Father, and he, too, is moved when we express our thanksgiving.
Bill Hybels
I soon began writing out my whole prayer and reading it back to God. Previously I'd get no further than "Dear God" and I'd already be thinking of the person I was going to meet for lunch or the board meeting agenda or what my family members and I would be doing later that evening. But when I began to move pen across paper, it became much easier to remain focused.
Bill Hybels
When I lump all my sins together and confess them en masse, I neglect to feel the pain or embarrassment or shame that should be elicited in me.
Bill Hybels
If you're tolerating sin in your life, my friend, don't waste your breath praying unless it's a prayer of confession.
Bill Hybels
God is committed to developing a people who will reflect his character in this world, and his character always expresses concern and compassion for the afflicted.
Bill Hybels
When the spirit of adoration takes over and we begin pondering God's attributes, we soon say from the heart, 'I am praying to a tremendous God!' Which only motivates us to keep on praying.
Bill Hybels
The most common cause of unanswered prayer is prayerlessness.
Bill Hybels