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Bill Hybels quotes - page 5
The worst days of leadership beat the best days of being an onlooker.
Bill Hybels
Those churches have closed down or have been merged with a church that has a more positive vision.
Bill Hybels
Enjoy every single day you get to lead because it will be over in a blink.
Bill Hybels
I look at tens of thousands of church leaders who still do need a bit of an awakening.
Bill Hybels
Adoration in prayer purges our spirit and prepares us to listen to God.
Bill Hybels
As you walk with God, your faith will grow, your confidence will increase and your prayers will have real power.
Bill Hybels
God isn't interested in stock phrases. Talk to him. Talk to the Father sincerely.
Bill Hybels
If you let even a little sin into your heart, it's going to contaminate your prayers. Your Christian life will not achieve its full potential.
Bill Hybels
A lot of spiritual gains come through pain, hurt, struggle, confusion and disappointment.
Bill Hybels
Our prayers can be more than empty wishes, vain hopes or feeble aspirations – but only when they are prayed from faith-filled hearts.
Bill Hybels
Developing prayer fitness is similar to developing physical fitness: we must follow a pattern in order to stay balanced.
Bill Hybels
Keep on praying because the Father does listen. He loves our company, he wants us to endure in prayerfulness and he is eager to do whatever is best for us.
Bill Hybels
How would you feel if your prayer requests were made public, displayed on a billboard or marquee? "Dear Lord, make me famous. Make me rich."
Bill Hybels
We can have no deep, ongoing fellowship with God unless we obey him - totally.
Bill Hybels
The greatest prayer motivator in existence is answered prayer.
Bill Hybels
A key ingredient in authentic Christianity is time. Not leftover time, not throwaway time, but quality time. Time for contemplation, meditation and reflection. Unhurried, uninterrupted time.
Bill Hybels
Adoration in prayer reminds us of God's identity and inclination. As we list his attributes, lifting up his character and personality, we reinforce our understanding of who he is.
Bill Hybels
Are you expecting God to fill your needs? Are you asking him to do so - regularly, earnestly and persistently?
Bill Hybels
By forcing us to look closely at our requests, prayer purifies us.
Bill Hybels
God is no more intimidated by childish demands for instant gratification than are wise parents.
Bill Hybels
Be wary of insisting that you know better than God about when a prayer request should be granted. God's delays are not necessarily denials. He always has reasons for his 'not yets.
Bill Hybels
Unconfessed sin cuts off our communication with the Father.
Bill Hybels