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Vernon Howard quotes - page 2
We are slaves to whatever we don't understand.
Vernon Howard
You must dare to disassociate yourself from those who would delay your journey... Leave, depart, if not physically, then mentally. Go your own way, quietly, undramatically, and venture toward trueness at last.
Vernon Howard
Whether a person is aware of it or not, he is assaulted constantly by misleading and hostile voices within the mind. They speak both through you and to you. Everyone is their target, but because of their extreme cunning, few people ever detect and dismiss them. So the only problem is a lack of information about these foreign voices. The curing facts are as close as your desire for them. It is extremely important for you to remember the following truth: these hurtful voices are not you, and they do not belong to you, but merely speak through your psychic system. Don't take them as being your own voices, any more than you take radio voices as being your own. They simply use unaware human beings. Your true nature has nothing to do with them. When finally dismissing these sinister speakers you make room for spiritual health and true life.
Vernon Howard
If we will repeatedly suffer the humiliation of admitting that we really do not know what we're talking about, eventually we will.
Vernon Howard
Ask spiritual questions with intense integrity, and inspiring answers will surely arrive.
Vernon Howard
We need not hide anything from Truth, for it never condemns us, but only wishes to help.
Vernon Howard
The only activities of true value are those which aim at inner transformation.
Vernon Howard
Human opinions are formed by accident and hardened by repetition. We cling to acquired opinions only because they give the illusion of being wise opinions. This creates division and hostility between people.
Vernon Howard
The real prize is never delivered by memory or by imagination, but by something above them.
Vernon Howard
Turning to God, Truth, Reality, simply means to let go, even fearfully at first, of our self-centered ideas.
Vernon Howard
Honestly face your inner poverty as a means of discovering your inner wealth.
Vernon Howard
The delusion of having wisdom creates the dangerous delusion of having power, leading to disaster.
Vernon Howard
A person obsessed with the need to be happy will never be so. The obsession is the obstruction. He does not really seek happiness, rather he seeks for a condition which matches his personal idea regarding the nature of happiness. But happiness is not a mere idea, for one idea will always have competition from another idea. The is why the unhappy man chases for ever from one attraction to another. Happiness will come when he stops chasing, that is, when he stops thinking that an idea about happiness is the same as happiness. A man enjoying the sunshine does so without analysing it.
Vernon Howard
The power of fantasy is so strong that people think they are having a good time when they are merely wasting money.
Vernon Howard
You are not really bothered by what others think of you. You are bothered by what you think of yourself.
Vernon Howard
Trying to command life without studying one's own mind is like trying to play the piano without studying music.
Vernon Howard
We burden ourselves with useless ideas which we carelessly take as facts. Instead of letting reality come as a new surprise, we insist that it conform to our habitual concepts, and thus, we spoil everything.
Vernon Howard
Remember that an answer to a difficulty resides at a higher level than our usual thinking, so seek this loftier level.
Vernon Howard
When we associate with others we really associate with ourselves. We like or dislike in others whatever we like or dislike in ourselves.
Vernon Howard
Why do you permit a mere word to stand in your way? Forget the word "difficult" and take your next step.
Vernon Howard
Everyone has imaginary ideas of himself as being this or that sort of person. And you can be sure that the images are highly complimentary! But since they are purely imaginary, they are highly sensitive to assault by reality.
Vernon Howard
To win real rewards, we must firmly decline the deceptive rewards offered by society.
Vernon Howard