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Kent Hovind quotes - page 3
As an evangelist, God has given me the opportunity to preach and teach the wonderful story of His marvelous [sic] creation over 400 times each year to churches, schools (public and private), parent groups, youth groups, on the radio, and in university debates.
Kent Hovind
The problem with America is not the politicians, it's not the homosexuals, not the drug addicts, it's the christians.
Kent Hovind
If Evolution is true, how would you answer the question, ‘where did I come from?' Well if Evolution is true, you came from a cosmic burp about twenty billion years ago. Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Well if Evolution is true, there is no purpose to life. So we might as well have fun. If it feels good, do it. Where am I going when I die? Well if Evolution is true, you're just going to the grave and you're going to get recycled into a worm or a plant. But the Bible says, ‘In the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth.' Now if that's true, that puts a whole different set of answers to those questions.
Kent Hovind
The god of Mohammedism is not the God of the Bible by any stretch of the imagination. It is a little pantheistic god of nature. Because of this, the Islam religion accepts evolution very readily as a scientific fact because it fits so well with their teaching. In the country of Turkey (which is almost totally dedicated to Mohammed) evolution is taught as fact.
Kent Hovind
Did you know that when God made the universe, he didn't lift one finger? He didn't turn one screw or pound one nail. He just spoke and every molecule lined up. That's incredible to think about. When He speaks, the waves lay down; the wind quits blowing. When He speaks, the dead come to life. When He speaks, the universe is created! Everything obeys the voice of God, except us. He's having some trouble out of us right now. But He's going to fix that one of these days when "every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father," coming to a city near you. But the scoffers are willingly ignorant of how God made the heavens by His Word, and they're ignorant of how the earth was standing out of the water and in the water.
Kent Hovind
In order to comprehend Hitler's reasoning, one must go back to evolution to understand why he did the things that he did, and thought the way he thought. Hitler slaughtered the Jews and hated the blacks because he was an evolutionist. He thought it was his duty to aid evolution in improving the human race. He taught and believed that each of the different races in the world were actually different species of man, and that it was the job of the superior species (Germany) to annihilate the inferior species.
Kent Hovind
Dinosaurs had two problems: Number one, the climate change. Number two, was probably worse; people hunted them; they killed them. No, they did not call them dinosaurs then though. They called them dragons. The word "dinosaur" was not made up until 1841. So for most of human history these creatures were called dragons. Dinosaur is not even in the dictionary in 1891. For most of human history they were known as dragons. Dragons are mentioned in the Bible 34 times.
Kent Hovind
A lot of bridges in the world are kinda similar to each other. You can go compare, you know, different suspension bridges around the world; the Golden Gate bridge and other bridges and there's a lot of similarities. That doesn't prove one is the father of the other!
Kent Hovind
This evolution theory is the foundation philosophy for humanism. Humanism is the idea that man is God. After all, there is no God out there, so we must be God. The Bible says, "They did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind." Do humanists believe in a supreme being? Emphatically, yes, that supreme being is man. Humanists have no knowledge of any being more supreme. The turning point in history will be the moment that man becomes aware that the only God of man is man himself.
Kent Hovind
The oceans were most likely all fresh water during the flood.
Kent Hovind
I think there was a layer of several inches of crystal clear ice, probably in the form of metallic hydrogen, about 10-20 miles up. It could have been held up by the earth's magnetic field or the internal air pressure like a giant inflatable building or even helped by the centrifugal force of the spinning earth. It could also have had its own spin to help suspend it. Maybe a combination of effects.
Kent Hovind
The Bible says that he that hath the Son hath life, and He who does not hath the Son does not have life. God is not willing that any should perish. If you are here today and you are not saved, God wants you to be saved. He wants to forgive your sin. He wants to take you to heaven when you die. But just like it was in the days of Noah, the Bible says, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes back. They were eating and drinking and marrying, and giving in marriage. They don't care - we have the same thing today. Until the Flood came and took them all away. So shall the coming of the Son of Man be. Jesus is coming very soon. We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men. I recommend that you get busy and say, "God, use me for something. I want to persuade somebody to go to heaven."
Kent Hovind
There are three basic theories about this coming Final Empire, or The New World Order. 1. It will be a revival of the Roman Empire, where ten European countries try to band together, maybe like the European Common Market. 2. It will be an attempted union of ten world regions, like a North American Region, Asia-Pacific Region, etc. 3. It will be an alliance of 10 Muslim countries that surround (and hate) Israel and have for 4,000-years! My study has led me to believe this final 10 nation empire will be 10 Muslim nations since they all hate each other and fight all the time just as God said they would in Genesis 16:12. They will never really "bond,” just as iron and clay will not bond with each other. Since this kingdom will have areas where enforcement of their rules and policies (like maybe taking a mark to buy and sell (Revelation 13-14)?) will be "weak” or "broken,” I have long prayed for God to put me some place where it is broken!
Kent Hovind
Only a book written by the God who knows the end from the beginning could predict the future with one hundred percent accuracy. The God of the Bible (unlike all other "gods”) is not limited by time, space, or matter. He created all of those on Day One and is "above” and "outside of” and "not limited by” His creation in any way. We are the ones who are limited by time, space, and matter, not God. The fact that He knows the future does not mean that He controls the future and we are robots acting out a pre-programmed set of instructions. He has complete knowledge, yet we have complete control at all times. He could step in and control everything, but then we would be robots and not humans. It is called Free Will. That's a gift God gave to mankind.
Kent Hovind
Democracies are dangerous forms of government. They always become dictatorships; and they almost always talk about this universal health care.
Kent Hovind
This topic is personal for me; it's not just academic. If someone says that the Bible is a myth and is not true, or that the doctrine of evolution is true, and the Genesis account of creation is false, they are attacking the very foundation of my faith.
Kent Hovind
Similarities in the DNA code simply prove the same designer wrote the code. This is not evidence for evolution, it is actually proof for creation!
Kent Hovind
I believe in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth, and God did it that way on purpose just to make the Big Bang theory look stupid.
Kent Hovind
God promised He would preserve His Words (Psalms 12:6–7). After many years of study on that topic, I have become convinced He did preserve it, for the English-speaking world, in the King James Bible.
Kent Hovind
The truth is that dinosaurs have always lived with man. They were called dragons for most of human history and man killed most of them. In 1841, a new name "dinosaur" was given to them. It is quite possible that a few are still alive. There have been thousands of sightings of creatures, such as the Loch Ness Monster or the dead dinosaur that washed up on the beach in California in 1925.
Kent Hovind
The human embryo, the abortionists say, is not fully human yet and it is okay to kill it because it hasn't yet reached the human stage. I'm not saying that abortion started with evolution. I am saying that evolution does serve to give, in the abortionist's mind, some scientific justification to abortion.
Kent Hovind
People (and animals) living under the canopy would live longer and grow bigger. Fossils of giant animals have been found too. For example: Six-foot beavers, 1500-pound guinea pigs, fifteen-foot-tall camels, ten-foot tall kangaroos, and fifty-foot-long crocodiles! Since reptiles never stop growing, they would grow to be huge under this canopy! I believe the dinosaur bones we find today were from giant lizards that lived under the canopy and then drowned in the Flood.
Kent Hovind