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Edward Heath quotes - page 2
Unemployment is of vital importance, particularly to the unemployed.
Edward Heath
Abhorrence of apartheid is a moral attitude, not a policy.
Edward Heath
I have no interest in sailing around the world. Not that there is any lack of requests for me to do so.
Edward Heath
It is the unpleasant and unacceptable face of capitalism, but one should not suggest that the whole of British industry consists of practices of this kind.
Edward Heath
I am sure that entering the exchange rate mechanism was absolutely right and is still right. I regret that we did not do so five years earlier, but that is history. Economic monetary union must come as soon as possible, and with it the single currency. Industry wants the single currency, and we must pay attention to the requests and demands of industry.
Edward Heath
It is bad because it is a negation of democracy ... Worst of all is the imposition by parliamentary diktat of a change of responsible party in London government. There cannot be any justification for that. It immediately lays the Conservative Party open to the charge of the greatest gerrymandering in the last 150 years of British history.
Edward Heath
You'll lose.
Edward Heath
One lonely voice still shouting labour!
Edward Heath
This would, at a stroke, reduce the rise in prices, increase production and reduce unemployment.
Edward Heath
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Edward Heath
I am sometimes accused of being oversensitive about unemployment. I do not believe that that is possible, certainly not for anyone who lived through the 1930s and saw the political consequences of high unemployment throughout Western Europe and what happened in 1939.
Edward Heath
Monetarism is dead and the alien doctrines of Friedman and Hayek remain only to be buried.
Edward Heath
It was the most enthralling episode in my life.
Edward Heath
Peter Sissons: The single currency, a United States of Europe, was all that in your mind when you took Britain in? Edward Heath: Of course, yes.
Edward Heath
You will see that our strategy is clear. It is to reorganise the functions of Government, to leave more to individual or to corporate effort, to make savings in Government expenditure, to provide room for greater incentives to men and women and to firms and businesses. Our strategy is to encourage them more and more to take their own decisions, to stand on their own feet, to accept responsibility for themselves and for their families.
Edward Heath
That, although a century out of date, would certainly be a distinctive, different policy. But it would not be a Conservative policy and it would not provide a Conservative alternative. For better or worse the central Government is already responsible, in some way or another, for nearly half the activities of Britain. It is by far the biggest spender and the biggest employer.
Edward Heath
The opponents of EEC membership inside the Labour Party know how much more difficult it would be to foist their brand of left-wing socialism on the British people if we remain part of a Community based on the principles of free enterprise and the mixed economy. We in the Conservative Party must vigorously oppose this ominous development.
Edward Heath
Our problem at the moment is a problem of success.
Edward Heath
The Pax Americana has gone the way of the Pax Britannica. ... The implication for us in Europe is twofold. First, we shall no longer be able to enjoy the luxury of urging the Americans to put right anything of which we disapprove anywhere in the world and then of criticizing them for the way they do it; and secondly, we shall have to undertake a proper share of the burden of Western defence if American support for the Western Alliance is to be sustained. That share can be underpinned only by a strong and expanding European economy.
Edward Heath
I regard Mr Benn as a menace to the country. He was guilty of sabotage last year when he rejected an offer of Community help with the readjustment necessary due to steel plant closures in Wales.
Edward Heath
It would not be in the interests of the Community that its enlargement should take place except with the full-hearted consent of the parliaments and its peoples of the new member countries.
Edward Heath
Everyone who is already here must be treated as equal before the law.
Edward Heath