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Harry Graham (poet) quotes
Weep not for little Leonie, Abducted by a French Marquis! Though loss of honour was a wrench, Just think how it's improved her French.
Harry Graham (poet)
O'er the rugged mountain's brow Clara threw the twins she nursed, And remarked, "I wonder now Which will reach the bottom first?"
Harry Graham (poet)
That morning, when my wife eloped With James, our chauffeur, how I moped! What tragedies in life there are! I'm dashed if I can start the car.
Harry Graham (poet)
What hours I spent of precious time, What pints of ink I used to waste, Attempting to secure a rhyme To suit the public taste, Until I found a simple plan Which makes the lamest lyric scan!When I've a syllable de trop, I cut it off, without apol.: This verbal sacrifice, I know, May irritate the schol.; But all must praise my dev'lish cunn. Who realise that Time is Mon.
Harry Graham (poet)
When Grandmamma fell off the boat, And couldn't swim, and wouldn't float, Maria just sat by and smiled - I almost could have slapped the child!
Harry Graham (poet)
Uncle, whose inventive brains kept evolving aeroplanes, fell from an enormous height upon my garden lawn last night. Flying is a fatal sport, uncle wrecked the tennis court.
Harry Graham (poet)