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George Gascoigne quotes
Sing lullabie, as women do,Wherewith they bring their babes to rest;And lullabie can I sing to,As womanly as can the best.
George Gascoigne
Full many wanton babes have I, Which must be stilled with lullaby.
George Gascoigne
The Raynbowe bending in the skye,Bedeckte with sundrye hewes,Is lyke the seate of God on hye,And seemes to tell these newes:That as thereby he promised,To drowne the worlde no more,So by the bloud whiche Christe hath shead,He will oure health restore.
George Gascoigne
I thinke it not amisse to forewarne you that you thrust as few wordes of many sillables into your verse as may be: and hereunto I might alledge many reasons: first the most auncient English wordes are of one sillable, so that the more monasyllables that you use, the truer Englishman you shall seeme, and the lesse you shall smell of the Inkehorne.
George Gascoigne
From shortly after his death until the present Gascoigne's reputation as the foremost poet of his generation and as a precursor of the great Elizabethans has remained constant.
George Gascoigne
Master Gascoigne is not to bee abridged of his deserved esteeme, who first beate the path to that perfection which our best Poets have aspired too since his departure.
George Gascoigne