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Warren Farrell quotes - page 8
In brief, when a man fails as a wallet, we put him in prison; when a woman fails as a mother, we offer her social services. We're taking a criminal approach to men, a social services approach to women.
Warren Farrell
At this moment in history, millions of 'working dads' are desiring to do what they do not feel they have the right to do: be more devoted as a dad, less devoted as a worker. This feeling is far more ubiquitous among men executives than women executives in many areas of the world because, for instance, Asia-Pacific women executives today are more than six times as likely to not have children than men executives are. The Asia-Pacific executive man is about six times as likely to be a working dad as an executive woman is to be a working mom.
Warren Farrell
The only men who aren't in fear of women's reactions are usually men who aren't born or who are dead.
Warren Farrell
So we've moved from an era when women's biology was women's destiny to today, which is an era in which men's biology is men's destiny.
Warren Farrell
A man convicted of murder is twenty times more likely than a woman convicted of murder to receive the death penalty. Since the 1976 reinstatement of the death penalty, 120 men and only 1 woman have actually been executed. The woman, from North Carolina, said she preferred to be executed. In North Carolina, a man who commits second-degree murder receives a sentence on average of 12.6 years longer than a woman who commits second-degree murder.
Warren Farrell
All societies that have survived based on their ability to prepare their sons to be disposable, in war and at work - and therefore as dads.
Warren Farrell
For me, the massiveness of what I don't know is one way I experience God. It creates in me a feeling of humility and a sense of gratitude.
Warren Farrell
Visitation reflects the era of the absentee father; parent time influences the re-emergence of the involved father. Visitation reflects the destruction of the family; parent time influences the reconstruction of the family. Parent time influences an era that understands that as either parent loses, so lose the children.
Warren Farrell
Women's greater social desirability and beauty power afford opportunities for creating both measurable and invisible income. While the opportunities are available to almost all women and some men, they are available in abundance to the genetic celebrity ... a woman so beautiful that men do more than look and talk--they follow her.
Warren Farrell
People who get higher pay are more willing to relocate--especially to undesirable locations at the company's behest... A corporate secretary may change companies in the same town; a corporate executive is more likely to change towns with the same company. A talented corporate secretary sees an invitation to relocate as an invitation; a future corporate executive sees an invitation to relocate as an opportunity--and an obligation.
Warren Farrell
Industrialization created the Father's Catch-22: a dad loving his children by being away from the love of his children.
Warren Farrell
This is the first time in history that we've had this level of luxury, so we have a new opportunity to rethink the way we approach God.
Warren Farrell
Employers are not prohibited from practicing sex discrimination in hiring and promoting employees.
Warren Farrell
Men's competitive team sports focus on the balance between individual achievement and team achievement with the emphasis on team achievement.
Warren Farrell
If you are a woman, you might feel torn between logical agreement and emotional resistance. Why? It seems like a simpler solution to blame men for the pay gap than to engineer your own bridge to higher pay.
Warren Farrell
We often hear, "Rape is rape, right?” No. A stranger forcing himself on a woman at knife point is different from a man and woman having sex while drunk and having regrets the morning. What is different? When a woman agrees to a date, she does not make a choice to be sexual, but she does make a choice to explore sexual possibilities. The woman makes no such choice with a stranger or an acquaintance.
Warren Farrell
A study of attorneys found that the attorneys whose pictures were judged independently to be the better-looking ones were able to earn about 12% more per year than the less good-looking ones. The better-looking attorneys worked longer hours, but even when that and dozens of other variables were controlled for, the better-looking attorneys were able to bill significantly more per hour. Needless to say, the male attorneys were ranked as much less attractive than the women, increasing the gap in women's pay over men's. The bigger the gap in looks, the bigger was the gap in pay. The more time passed, the more the gap widened. Sometimes life isn't fair.
Warren Farrell
The ridicule is pressure to consider ourselves less important than someone even more precious: A baby is more precious than a mother; a woman is more precious than a man.
Warren Farrell
If Women Have An Equal EMPLOYMENT Opportunity Commission, Why Don't Men Have An Equal FAMILY Opportunity Commission?
Warren Farrell
Both parents' rights must exist primarily to assist the parents in fulfilling their responsibilities. Primarily does not mean exclusively.
Warren Farrell
Those feminists who say that masculinity is about men believing they can batter women display the deepest ignorance possible about men and masculinity.
Warren Farrell
We are the offspring of approval-seekers. We want approval so badly that we vacillate between conforming to get it and standing out (being outstanding) to get it.
Warren Farrell