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Warren Farrell quotes - page 15
All of this is men's genetic heritage. However, men's genetic heritage is in conflict with their genetic future.
Warren Farrell
If we are to inspire men to father it also helps to stop reflexively condemning men as afraid of commitment and address what they are afraid of. –page246.
Warren Farrell
Pay is about the power we forfeit to get the power of pay. For example, we forfeit power when we work for others, not ourselves, but we get the power of the paycheck when we do that.
Warren Farrell
Divorce laws have given women economic support after divorce; no laws have given men emotional support after divorce. Men are required to continue their obligations to their exes in the form of alimony or child support; women are not required to continue their obligation to their exes in the form of homemaking or nurturing.
Warren Farrell
If a man ignoring a woman's verbal "no” is committing date rape, then a woman who says "no” with her verbal language but "yes” with her body language is committing date fraud. And a woman who continues to be sexual even after she says "no” is committing date lying.
Warren Farrell
Many women are discovering that the motherhood instinct implies a responsibility to be certain children have dads -- everyday, not far away; and some are aware that economic independence requires not holding on to her child as if it were her job.
Warren Farrell
We had affirmative action programs to help women help themselves economically. Is it now time for affirmative action programs to do for men's feelings what the government did for women's economics?
Warren Farrell
In the future, women will increasingly want nurturer-connectors, since part of what he will be nurturing is her ability to protect herself.
Warren Farrell
During what years should a child be introduced to better ways of giving and receiving criticisms – to what I call "relationship language”? Before school age. The best teacher? Parents.
Warren Farrell
The Industrial Revolution, then, took men's occasional absence from home -- previously needed only in wartime and for hunting -- and made it the norm. This increasing division of labor magnified the division of men's and women's interests. It magnified the belief in the maternal instinct and the reality of the distant father. Prior to industrialization, divorces usually led to children living with dads. Not after.
Warren Farrell
If the law tries to legislate our "yeses” and "noes” it will produce "the straitjacket generation” – a generation afraid to flirt, fearful of finding its love notes in a court suit. Date rape legislation will force suitors and courting to give way to courts and suing.
Warren Farrell
In more than thirty years of conducting workshops, no one has ever said to me, "Warren, I want a divorce – my partner understands me.”.
Warren Farrell
A week after you read this chapter, misandry will become apparent in commercials, in films, in everyday conversations. But the bias that is hardest to see is the bias we share.
Warren Farrell
I could be a much better role model by sharing more openly with him my shadow side, my faults, my mistakes, asking him to be my teacher rather than being his.
Warren Farrell
In order to connect and nurture, it is not just helpful to be in touch with feelings, it is necessary. So men's first job – their next evolutionary strategy – involves being in touch with their feelings.
Warren Farrell
Teaching children to debate without teaching children to listen is divorce training.
Warren Farrell
When either sex suppresses the expression of feelings, it's almost always b/c they don't feel there is a safe environment to express them.
Warren Farrell
ITEM: The Mike Tyson trial. The hotel in which the jury is sequestered goes ablaze. Two firefighters die saving its occupants. The trial of Mike Tyson made us increasingly aware of men-as-rapists. The firefighters' deaths did not make us increasingly aware of men-as-saviors. We were more aware of one man doing harm than of two men saving...
Warren Farrell
After a conflict, women are not only more likely to turn to other womenfriends for support, but are nine times more likely to be with their children should conflict become divorce.
Warren Farrell
When I was doing a book tour in Japan for Why Men Are The Way They Are, I was told of an institution called the snack. The snack works like this: A man is coming home from work, and has had a bad day. He doesn't feel that his wife wants to hear about it, so he pays between $50 and $80 for a snack -a sandwich and a drink and an attractive woman who will listen empathetically to him-sort of a beautiful psychologist with refreshments. No men need apply.
Warren Farrell
The best way to use these lists to replace anger with love in real life is to nurture each other by doing for your partner what your partner normally does for you.
Warren Farrell
Both sexes had an unconscious investment in keeping men from expressing feelings of fear and vulnerability.
Warren Farrell