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Warren Farrell quotes - page 12
During the past thirty years, the women's movement has supported women to express virtually every feeling women felt. To other women. To Men. To society. Women's feelings became course curriculum, women's studies, TV specials, talk shows, and Lifetime cable. Women's feelings were called both education and entertainment. Men's were repressed until they were called ulcers.
Warren Farrell
Sexually, of course, the sexes aren't equal. It is exactly a woman's greater sexual power that often makes a man so fearful of being rejected by her that he buys himself drinks to reduce his fear. In essence, her sexual power often leads to him drinking; his sexual power rarely leads to her drinking. If anything is evidence of her power over him, it is his being expected to spend his money to buy her drinks without her reciprocating.
Warren Farrell
The United States follows the pattern of men taking the financial risks even within a given field. Women physicians are three times as likely as men to work for the government or an HMO; men physicians are much more likely to be self-employed in a solo practice.
Warren Farrell
In brief, sending a father-deprived child into the world and assuming everything is okay because the dad provides money is like sending a drunken driver onto the highway and assuming everything is okay because the gas is paid for. It doesn't mean that the drunken driver will not get to his or her destination. It just means that the risks are enormous. And the consequences of failure are forever.
Warren Farrell
Men learn to call pain "glory”; women learn to call the police.
Warren Farrell
When mining... and other death professions are discussed in feminist publications, they are portrayed as examples of the male power system, as male-only clubs. However, when Ms. Magazine profiled female miners, the emphasis was on how the woman was ‘forced' to take a job in the mines because it paid the best, and how taking such a job was the only way she could support her family.
Warren Farrell
Killing the criticizer, then, is part of our evolutionary past; listening in response to criticism is part of our evolutionary future.
Warren Farrell
A single woman who supports herself is called a career woman, while a single man who supports himself is called a playboy...Ironically, a woman who commits and becomes financially dependent is considered more mature than a man who does not commit but is financially independent.
Warren Farrell
If we penalize mothers for denial of "visitation time” we must also penalize fathers who don't show up for "visitation time.” The issue is not fathers' rights to visitation time, but both parents obligations to their children. The issue is how to make both parents real parents despite what parenting was never designed to deal with -- divorce.
Warren Farrell
While we call role models 'leaders', most 'leaders' are really followers. Most 'leaders' follow their bribes. And we are the people who offer the bribes. We in essence give men two bribes to risk their lives: pay and praise... A man who self-selects for a death profession expects his body to be used in exchange for pay. The unspoken motto of the death professions is 'My body, not my choice.
Warren Farrell
A father's traditional role prepared him to love his family by being away from the love of his family.
Warren Farrell
There is little life where no one will listen. These are fathers, sons and families who are needlessly lost.
Warren Farrell
We cannot think of dads as being nurturing if we think of men as being self-serving.
Warren Farrell
Today, violence against women is rightly abhorred. But we call violence against men entertainment. Think of football, boxing, wrestling... All are games used to sugarcoat violence against men, originally in need of sugarcoating so our team --or our society --could bribe its best protectors to sacrifice themselves.
Warren Farrell
The solution to all this is not criminalization but resocialization.
Warren Farrell
What Men Would Say When Male-Bashing Is Called "Funny,” But Female-Bashing Is Called "Sexist”.
Warren Farrell
The feminist-only funding leads to studies that misinform the nation that a divorced mother is economically more hurt than a divorced man, so judges feel a mandate to make his future income hers, and legislatures feel fine about refusing to make his mother subsidy payments tax deductible even as she pays no taxes on the money received. And all this perpetuates the belief that he earns more money....
Warren Farrell
From these biased studies come biased social policy. Hundreds of millions of dollars to enforce sanctions against fathers who don't pay mothers; almost nothing to enforce sanctions against mothers who don't allow fathers to see children.
Warren Farrell
In brief, when women batter, men's first priority is to support the women and help them change; when men batter, women's first priority is to escape the men and put them in prison.
Warren Farrell
Whether in a South African coal mine, on an Alaskan fishing boat, or in the American military, men's protective instinct toward women, and women's protective instinct toward themselves (and children) keeps men more disposable than women. Here's an example of the dynamic at work in the military. At the military's SERE (survival, evasion, resistance, and escape) schools, concern about the well-being of women was so prevalent among male students that trainers now work to desensitize men to sexual assault and other abuse of women lest their sensitivity be used against them in war. We think of women in the military as being safer in part because they are still prohibited from the most dangerous assignments. But this prohibition is just a reflection of the traditional male's instinct to protect women.
Warren Farrell
Because men complained less, we made the false assumption that the complaints women experienced were only women's complaints and, therefore, only women's problems. Which created the rationale for women's problems to be solved – or at least addressed – by public policy.
Warren Farrell
The motto of feminists: "There is never an excuse for hitting a woman.” Shouldn't it be, "There is never an excuse for hitting.”?
Warren Farrell