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Warren Farrell quotes - page 10
When a man is attracted to a woman, being expected to take the sexual initiative does not increase his power, it increases his paralysis. The possibility of a lawsuit just intensifies the paralysis. Ironically, the more dangerous the waters, the more [telling dirty jokes] serves as a way of testing the waters: if she laughs, maybe she's interested; if she looks disgusted, maybe she's not. He would feel much more powerful if she took responsibility for testing the waters.
Warren Farrell
Notice that much of what men do is also done by single mothers so appreciating what men do also helps us appreciate what single moms do.
Warren Farrell
A woman living with her mother has limited freedom; a man living with his mother has limited freedom and limited respect. For most men, the vacuum (of no support system) is so devastating, they'd rather agree with their wife than express their feelings and risk emotional withdrawal.
Warren Farrell
The New England Journal of Medicine has recently reported that speaking about one's faults creates abnormalities in the pulsations of our heart. Tiny abnormalities? No. Abnormalities as great as those produced by riding a stationary bicycle to the point of either exhaustion or chest pain. Perhaps [the criticisms men exchange beginning with adolescence], then, contribute to men being four times more likely than women to suffer heart disease before age fifty. In essence, our sons might be practicing heart-disease training.
Warren Farrell
Throughout history, men learned that survival, respect and women's love were all achieved by making a killing –whether killing animals, killing enemies, or making a killing on Wall Street. Women received the money that men produced by loving. Men came to feel themselves as unlovable without the money, property or the heroism it took to make them equal to a woman's love. Women came to associate men spending money on them as a statement of how much they were valued-even loved-- by the man. Her ability to love became her source of security: a diamond is a girl's best friend. Essentially this dynamic is true in almost all societies and all classes throughout history.
Warren Farrell
A man becomes successful by repressing his feelings, not expressing his feelings.
Warren Farrell
We need to fund relationship language in our schools so that future parents will know how to communicate about whether they want children; to communicate with the children they have, and teach their children how to communicate with the world. Technical progress without social skills is a Tower of Babel.
Warren Farrell
No legend told its children of beautiful princesses falling in love with conscientious objectors.
Warren Farrell
addiction to female beauty and sex.
Warren Farrell
When we speak of mom winning custody or of dad getting visitation time, we speak of someone winning, someone losing. When we speak of mom or dad spending "parent time” with a child, we speak of two parents, not a parent versus a visitor.
Warren Farrell
My first conflict with NOW erupted in the mid-'70s when NOW chapters increasingly rejected father involvement by rejecting shared parent time as the preferred arrangement after divorce.
Warren Farrell
Most women's ideal is to not be sexual until nine conditions are met: physical attraction; respect; emotional compatibility; intelligence; singleness; success (or potential ); being asked out; being paid for; and the man risking rejection by initiating the first kiss.... Men want sex as long as only one condition is met-physical attraction.
Warren Farrell
The less our sons our trusted, the less women are able to really love them, and the more women feel entitled to use them as wallets.
Warren Farrell
When we add the devaluation of male values to the demonizing of male sexuality, many boys feel like a pervert before they know who they are.
Warren Farrell
Both sexes work on their lines before they appear onstage. His lines are a lifetime of work; her introductory 'line' is her appearance--or her lack of lines. Just as careers give men power, so beauty gives women power. But just as the comparison between herself and the most beautiful women makes a woman feel powerless, so the comparison between himself and the most successful men makes a man feel powerless.
Warren Farrell
The belief that men don't need help is part of the problem.
Warren Farrell
The function of gossip is to create an "in group” bond by creating an "out group” enemy.
Warren Farrell
We often think that when a man insults another man by calling him a "girl,” the insult reflects a contempt for women. No. It reflects a contempt for any man who is unwilling to make himself strong enough to protect someone as precious as a woman.
Warren Farrell
Men's immediate path from the Insanity Track to the Sanity Track is in demanding that both sexes have the freedom to strike a balance between homeplace and workplace. Men must expect their wives to financially support them to be fathers as much as they now financially support their wives to be mothers. Women must have our approval to marry the warrior of love rather than the warrior of money.
Warren Farrell
What's true is that everyone is uncomfortable with expressing anger and being critical. Anger and criticism generates rejection. And everyone hates rejection.
Warren Farrell
Look under the "Love and Friendship” section and see dozens of cards designed for women to send to women, most bashing men, and virtually none saying anything loving about men.
Warren Farrell
When a government subsidy deprives the child of its dad the government is really subsidizing child abuse.
Warren Farrell